Enemies Friends and Enemies Again

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Alison's POV

I walk into the apartment. Hanna is at her house watching Peaches and Paisley.


No one answers. In fact, the apartment seems empty.

I walk into our bedroom. "Emily?" I call again. I check every room, but it's empty.

Is this some kind of joke?

I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the table.

I got to her first.


My heart thuds in my chest. I don't know what to do. I pull out my phone and call Hanna.


"A has her!"


"A has Emily!"

"My mom is here." Hanna says quickly. "I'm leaving the kids with her and I'm on my way!" The phone cuts off.

I call Spencer and Aria as well.

Hanna and Caleb show up first and then Spence and Ar. They all look petrified.

"I don't know where she is!" I sob. "What if they kill her!"

Aria hugs me tightly. "It's gonna be okay, Ali, I promise."

Spencer picks up the note and frowns. "Did you look at the back?"

I shake my head, wiping a few tears away. "Why?"

"There's an address. A house on Kioka."

"It's our only lead." Caleb says. "Let's go."


We all walk up the driveway slowly. Even though the neighborhood is safe, this is A. It could be dangerous.

I ring the doorbell and after a few seconds the door opens as there stands... Paige."

"Paige?!" I yell. Is she A?

She sighs. "I knew this would happen."

"Are you A?!" I yell. "Did you take Emily?!"

"No." She shakes her head. "But I know where she is."

Paige ends up inviting us all in. We sit, waiting for her to explain everything.

She begins. "A while ago I got a text from an anonymous number. It said that if I gave information about you, Alison and also Emily that Emily would come back to me. I would be popular again. So I agreed to it."

"Why should we believe anything you say?" Caleb says quickly.

"Why would I lie?"

We stay silent.

"Well anyway. This person made me help them out financially too. I bought them a storage unit. When I asked what it was for they told me 'something big.' So I'm pretty sure that's where Emily is."

"Let's go!" I yell to the others.

"I'm coming with you." Paige says earnestly.

I scoff. "No chance in hell, pigskin."

She glares at me. "I'm coming."


We arrive at the storage unit and it's locked of course. There's a note taped to the door.

You have more
than you think.

- A

I frown. "What does that mean."

"You must have the key." Spencer says. "Check your pockets."

I stick my hand in my back pocket and grasp something cold and metal. I pull it out and sure enough it's the key. My eyes widen.

"How did that get there?" Aria ponders.

"A has their ways." I say, sticking the key in the lock. The door opens and we run in.

A barrel big enough to fit a human stands in the middle of the storage unit. The place is otherwise empty.

I put a hand over my mouth, tears streaming down my face. "Is that Emily?"

I approach the barrel slowly. There is a note on top.

There is a loud crash. Everyone except for Paige and I runs out of the unit to see what it was. I pick up the note and read it out loud.

"You fell right
into my trap.

- A"

They come running back when they hear that, but it's too late. Paige is closing the door. It's just her and me.

Emily's POV

A is Paige. After she knocked me out I woke up in an empty storage unit and she told me everything and then let me go. I wander around because my mind is still fuzzy.

Suddenly I see a group of people huddled around. They seem to be freaking out. I get closer and closer until I recognize them.

"Guys!" I yell, running up to them.

"Emily!" Hanna hugs me tightly.

"Guys, Paige is A!" I tell them hurriedly. Then I furrow my brow, looking around. "Where's Ali?"

"She's..." Spencer begins, looking uneasy.

"What? She's what?"

"In there..." Hanna points to the unit in front of us. "Trapped... with Paige."

"What?!" My mind goes fuzzy for a second. I bang on the door. "Let her out of there, Paige!" I press my ear against the door but I can't hear anything.


Then the loudest, shrill eat scream I've ever heard pierces the air. And it's Ali's.

"Alison!" I yell. I turn to the others. "We have to do something!"

Spencer pulls something shiny out of her pocket and kneels down. I can see that she's picking the lock. It takes her all of five minutes, but in those five minutes Ali is crying out in agony.

Finally the bottom opens. I roll under it but it closes again. The others don't make it. Alison is in the corner, covered in blood from a slash to her forearm and shin. Paige is standing over her with a knife.

I'm nearly blinded by my anger as I run forward and push her away. I grasp the knife in my hand and hold it over her. "WHY?!" I shout.

"BECAUSE I DESERVE YOU!" She spits. "NOT HER! NOT THOSE OTHER BITCHES! ME!" She rolls on top of me, grabbing the knife. "AND IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU NOBODY CAN!" She raises it over me, about to bring it down.

Suddenly she's knocked off by a limping Alison. Ali grabs the knife as she sobs, hysterical noises coming from her throat and stabs her in the stomach quickly. Paige drops down, dead.

Then the blonde turns away, collapsing into the ground, bleeding everywhere.

I rush over to her just as she passes out.

AN: yeah so Paige was A. And now she's dead. And yeah so yeah hope you liked it.

- G. Schreiber

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