The Truth, Accidents and Snow

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Emily's POV

"Alright, what do you want?" I ask Ali, pushing the cart through the store.

"Hmmm..." She hums. "Peanut butter."


"With... Pickles."


She shrugs her shoulders. "I can't help it. The baby wants it. And what the baby wants, the baby gets, right?"

"Right." I chuckle.

Her phone buzzes and she groans. "Dammit!"

I furrow my brow in concern. "What? Is anything wrong?"

"It's A. I haven't gotten one in a while. I thought maybe they were done with us. Like maybe it was over."

She opens it and I lean over to read it.

Emily hasn't told you
everything about when you
were apart. You could try
asking her, but here's a clue
just to start.

- A

She furrows her brow and looks over at me. "What's A talking about, Em? There's a picture attached but I think I'd rather hear this from you."

I gulp.

"Nothing?" She sighs. "Fine."

"Wait, Ali don't-"

But she's already opened the picture. It's the one of me and Paige from when Ali and I broke up. The same one A threatened me with.

Alison looks up at me with a hurt expression. "Em?" Her voice wavers. "W-What is this? Please tell me the truth."

"We weren't together!" I scramble as my heart beats hard, slamming against the inside of my chest. "It was when we were broken up!"

"Why didn't you just tell me?" She has tears in her eyes.

I touch her arm. "Ali, I-"

"NO!" She rips away from me. "Just don't touch me!" She runs to the store doors and races out into the mid-January snow.

I run out but she's gone. I get in my car and start driving slowly along the road. Not only because it's icy, but because I don't want to miss Alison if I see her.

Finally I squint through the snow as I see a blonde girl in the distance. I drive closer and sure enough it's Ali, shivering because she left her coat in the car and she's only in leggings, uggs and a pink sweater.

"Babe, get in the car."

She startles and looks over, a scowl appearing on her face. "No."

"Please just let me explain."


"At least get in the fucking, car Alison!" I insist.


"Ali, please. It's not good for you."

"I'm walking home, Emily." She insists with a bigger frown. She quickens her pace a little and rubs her hands up and down her arms.

"Alison Lauren DiLaurentis you listen to me right now!"

She looks at me with raised eyebrows, clearly shocked by my tone of voice.

"It's cold as fuck, you're pregnant as fuck and it's a five mile walk home! Now get your ass in the car this minute!"

She scoffs. "You're not my mother, Emily. You can't tell me what to do!"

With that I pull over. I'm done with this. She can be mad at me but I'm not letting her do something that could endanger her or our baby. I get out of the car and stomp over to her.

"What are you-"

I interrupt her by throwing her over my shoulder.

"Emily put me the fuck down!" She bangs her fists on my back. "Put me down you asshole! Stop it I hate you!"

I ignore her, knowing she doesn't mean it and flop her down in the seat. She smacks me but I ignore her still, buckling her in and then getting in on my side I start driving.

"Don't fucking do that again!" She yells. "Don't fucking touch me like that again! I'm not a doll you can't just pick me up!"

"It was for your own good, Alison." I argue. "You can't just do that, even if you're mad. Don't you dare put yourself in danger!"

"Well I have a right to be mad! You fucked Paige. Does that ring a bell?"

I sigh. "I'm sorry, Ali. It was stupid and meant nothing. I only did it because I was angry with you and she was there and I should've told you but I'm a complete idiot."

"Yeah. Yeah you are."

I skid a little. The road is so icy it's hard to drive on without skidding.

"That girl tortured me!" Alison cries. "She humiliated me, insulted me, hurt me. And you fucked her! I get wanting a rebound, but her? Couldn't it have been someone else!? Anyone else?! Why her?!" Tears stream down her face. "But I could've forgiven anything if you had just told me! Why would you keep it a secret!"

"I-I don't know." I sigh. "But can't you just forget about it!? I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay! Just please forgive me!"

"Emily, I love you but-"

I skid a little on accident again and she is jostled in her seat.

"But I just don't know."

"Ali please! I love you!"

"Emily I- WATCH OUT!"

I look back on the road and see I'm skidding towards a big tree. I try to turn but I end up losing control of the wheel. I try to stop but the breaks aren't working. "It's not working!" I panic. "Ali, what do I do?! What's going on?!"

"I just got an A text! A cut the break lines!" Ali yells out just as we come straight up on the tree, about to hit it.

I hear a scream and I'm not sure if it's mine or her's. Then I hear a big crash as we knock into the tree. The airbags go off but I'm fine. I assume Ali is fine too.

"Oh my god." I breathe. "That was cl-" My eyes widen as I turn to Ali and see she's upside down and her whole torso went through the windshield. "ALI!"

I jump out of the car and pull my cell phone out of my pocket, dialing 911.

"Hello! Yes, I need an ambulance!" I yell into the phone, rattling off the location. "Please hurry!" I sob. "Please!"

Alison's POV

My eyelids are heavy and I can't hear anything. All I can see  is the blue, blue sky and the snowflakes falling from it and all I can feel is a crushing pain in my chest.

"E-Emily." I croak. "H-Help me."

AN: I TOLD YOU BAD THINGS WOULD HAPPEN I TOLD YOU MWAHAHAHAHA! I'm also watching Grease while I write this and in the beginning they're all so excited to see Danny and it's so gay. Like literally it's homosexual. I have a theory that they're all gay together. It's true I just know it. Oh and if you guys watch Carmilla are you as HEARTBROKEN AS ME! I'm writing this right after watching the latest episode. (Where Mattie, y'know. And Carmilla cries and it makes you want to literally die.) And how will Carm ever forgive Laura? I'm dying. Anyway hope you liked this chapter.

- G. Schreiber

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