After Winter - Harry Styles [Wattys 2013]

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"I don't get it, Amber. W...Why do you have to leave?" I stutter, my words coming out shaky as I stared at the blue orbs I had fallen in love with. Particles of snow covered us as we talked in the deserted park, my gaze at her as she couldn't dare look at me.

She looked around, anywhere but me, before she managaed to say something, "You and me... It's not working out, Harry." She blurted, her voice filled with no emotion at all.

My eyes widened, mouth agape at her response. How could she say it wasn't working out? Just yesterday, we were alright. We were happy with the company we kept. Why the change of heart? "What are you saying, Amber? Yesterday, we were perfectly fine!" I stated, my arms trembling in the cold.

She shook her head sternly, the pools of blue finally looking at my emerald gaze, "I tried to maintain the relationship. I really did. But ever since you lost the X Factor, you changed."  She mumbled, mostly to herself as she looked at her feet, shuffling on the snow.

I kept disagreeing, not fully satisfied with her reason, "You, of all people should know very well that I haven't changed. Not a single bit. What's the other reason you have, Amber?" I asked, my tone rising in anger and anxiety.

"I don't have any other reason, Harry. You might not notice it, but you, indeed changed. The Harry I met in the bowling alley, it's not you. You're not the same curly-haired boy I once fell in love with." She reasoned, her voice stone-hard as it matched her cold stare.

I huffed, shoulders slumping in defeat as I felt my bottom lip quiver, "So, is this really it, now? You're leaving me, right before Christmas?" I ask, chewing on my bottom lip as I looked up at her, her features softening for a second.

She cupped my cheek all of a sudden, biting down her botttom lip as well, "If we really are for each other, you know fate will make a way." Those were her last words, reaching up to kiss my cheek, lingering for a while before she made her way out; her silhouette slowly fading with each step she took.

I stood there for a moment, letting out a shaky breath as I looked up to see more particles of snow falling on my. I tucked my hands in my pocket, deciding to head home; where everyone was celebrating Christmas Eve. Everyone was celebrating our third place in X Factor. Everybody was celebrating.

Except me. 


Hey guys! This is the first chapter and I hope you like it! Shoutout to Daniellepayne29 for being the first to ever notice this story right after I published it! :) Will be writing Chapter one now!

This was the first idea I had ever since I wanted to do a fan fiction. I just started doing it tonight lmao. Okay, off to chapter one now!

Don't forget to leave a comment about what you think about this story so far! Vote as well, if you want :) 

Photo of Amber Tresdale to the side! To be portrayed by the lovely Ashley Benson! :)

After Winter - Harry Styles [Wattys 2013]Where stories live. Discover now