Chapter Twenty-Five

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Meaning: Complete absence of sound.

Figure of speech: Noun.

Perhaps you're wondering what silence has to do with what's happening right now. It's because that's all I hear right now. The eerie silence so deafening in the police station, I couldn't hear anyone but my heart thumping loudly in my chest - the butterflies in my stomach rumbling in a bad way. 

When Louis called about finding who stabbed me, Harry and I rushed to the police station where Louis said he was in. We were both panting as we entered the station, hands on our knees as we gasped for air so we never really took notice of the person sitting on the bench, hands cuffed securely, his head lowered.

My breath hitched as I caught sight of the familiar brown eyes filled with sorrow and grief. Anger boiled inside of me as I approached him, slapping him quickly, watching as he didn't react to the probably stinging pain lingering on his cheek. That wasn't even enough when you think of what he's done.

"You!" I hissed, my fists clenching, taking notice of Harry holding me back as I went straight on his face, tears pricking in my eyes. He looked at me with a massive frown, about to speak when I started talking.

"Don't even talk to me, Jared!" I said, feeling the warm tears roll down my cheeks as the information processed through my mind. It was Jared all along. It was Jared who stabbed me that night heartlessly and left me in the pavement for no one to notice except Louis and Jill. The pain hammered through my chest slowly and surely.

I thought I was capable of trusting him! I even came to him for help when I found out Amber was here! My chest heaved irregularly as I looked at him with disgust and shock, "Why would... Why would you do this to me, Jared? I was nothing but nice to you!" I exasperated, feeling nothing pain panging through my chest as I looked at him. 

He looked ashamed as he tried talking to me, "It wasn't my choice to make, Emily. I'm so sorry. I was just told to do so." He pleads, but I couldn't look at him without flinching, leaning to Harry for support. 

I could feel the anger radiate from his body as well, removing his grasp from me and taking a long stride towards Jared, taking him by the collar of his shirt. Everyone was alarmed; Louis quickly tugging Harry off of Jared, but I couldn't blame him. I acknowledged Jared as my friend; someone I can turn to in times of distress. It turns out he was the polar opposite of a friend.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sat down across Jared, looking down and catching my breath. It seemed like the oxygen was sucked out of my lungs, the difficulty of breathing reaching the maximum. I clutched my chest, desparate for air as I clung tight to Jill's arm, probably gripping it painfully.

She asked me what's wrong, shaking me desparately so I could speak, but I just looked at her. I seeked for help as I tried speaking. I wanted to shout at Harry. I wanted to tell him I was having a hard time to breathe and tell him I needed him to calm me down right now. But I couldn't. I couldn't call him because I have lost the ability to speak. I couldn't because he was too busy trying to beat the crap out of Jared.

Jill took my hint, pulling Harry away from Jared, "Harry, stop! Emily can't breathe!" She hissed. I looked at his eyes that have dilated a few seconds ago, only for his features to soften in a heartbeat, walking towards me quickly, rubbing my back in soothing circles as I tried breathing again.

He looked at me worriedly, asking me repeatedly if I was okay. I looked at him and forced out a smile, glancing at a guilty-looking Jared. I felt my chest constrict once more, taking hold of Harry's hand. He looked at Jill, "Is there a drugstore nearby?" He asked quickly, his chest heaving up and down rapidly.

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