Chapter Ten

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The sounds of the continuous beeping of the cars surrounding us blared through the semi-sound-proof window the taxi had. It made me even more nervous and anxious as to what time I could possibly arrive at Adlington. It has been ten minutes after all and we haven't moved a single inch. And that I'm not even exaggerating.

"How long do you think this traffic jam will last?" I asked absentmindedly to the driver, his head looking to his side window then to me before he shrugged his shoulders, "Don't know. Will probably last even longer." He said, acting as if he didn't give a damn at all.

I grunted, grabbing my phone out of my bag as I unlocked it to type in a message to Louis and Niall. They better know how long I've been in the same position for in this hellhole you call a traffic jam. 

To: Louis

Been ten minutes and no sign of progress. Don't think I can make it at all. Tell Harry I tried, okay? x

I quickly tapped the send button, resting the phone on my lap as I resumed twiddling with my thumbs and chewing on my lip as I proceeded watching the cars surrounding us move centimeter by centimeter.

It was after a few seconds that my phone vibrated on my lap, causing me to break out of my reverie, watching the screen light up, notifying I had an unread message from Louis.


Don't say that woman! You're gonna make it and we know it, kay? Wait, what street are you in? x 

I looked around, searching for a post until I found one that held the street name as I quickly typed it in my reply to Louis and how this street was far from Adlington. There goes my excitement to go to Illinois. It just comes down to waste because of a damn traffic 

A few seconds later and my phone went vibrating again. I looked back, sliding across the screen to unlock it as usual and read the message Louis had sent me. My face scrunched in confusion as I reread the question he had for me.


What pair of shoes are you wearing? 

I blinked, taken aback by his sudden question as I replied:

Black sneakers..... why....? 

I patiently waited for an answer to come, and it finally came after a few minutes. 


Okay, good. I want you to leave the cab, pay the fare and just run down the two streets ahead. Message me when you get there. x 

I reread it three times before deciding on doing as I was told. So I placed my phone back inside, making sure my messenger bag was secured and locked before telling the driver I had to go. He just nodded carelessly, not bothering to accept the money I was lending him as his fee. I shrugged, yanking the cab door open as I got my blue suitcase out of its trunk, heading towards the sidewalk quickly as I made a run for it. I checked my watch, reading 1:15 flash on its screen. My heart was pounding, knowing if I didn't arrive at Adlington in 15 minutes, I'll be late for the train and eventually miss it. 

I ran faster, the passengers in their respective cars sending me a confused look as I crossed the pedestrian lane without looking on both sides. Luckily there was no cars heading towards my way, making my run progress within a few minutes. 

I didn't have time to catch my breath, knowing if I took just one break it would mean I would have to miss my train and my flight, resulting to me staying in my Dad's house for eternity without a job because I didn't agree to going to Knox. 

After Winter - Harry Styles [Wattys 2013]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora