Chapter Twelve

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" 'There's food inside' my ass, Harry. I only see clean dishes and an empty counter." I deadpanned, walking side by side with Jill as we enter the kitchen, where Harry was looking around holding a pot.

He perked up at us with a sheepish grin on his face, scratching the back of his neck, "Well, I was hoping I could've cooked something whilst you guys were chitchatting." He reasons out, motioning towards the stove, cluelessly turning it on and placing the pot.

I shook my head at him, approaching the cupboards for ingredients I could possibly use. "Hey, what are you doing?" He asks quickly walking over to me as he reached for the flour I was aiming for. 

I looked back at him, crossing my arms, "I'm making a decent meal for all three of us. You can't possibly expect something to cook when you just place a pot on a stove, can you?" I say, hearing a slight giggle coming from Jill, making us turn to her.

"You just got owned, Harry." She muttered, giving me a thumbs up as I smiled. He rolled his eyes at this, his eyebrow quirked up.

"Shut up, Jill. It's not my fault a guest suddenly came. Oh, wait. Who's the guess again? YOU." He pointed towards her, making her quiet, leaving me to inwardly chuckle as I started out the batter for waffles. It may take a while, but at least it's a decent meal. 

Harry and Jill walked over to the small dining area of his flat, chatting over what happened during his break at Holmes Chappel. I can't help but overhear about his upcoming surprise gig at a small pub nearby in a few months. It made me smile, realizing how far my best friend had gone after they managed to get the third spot in the competition. 

The waffles were cooked after a few minutes, making me move around and arrange the plates we were supposed to use. This wasn't how I pictured my first day in America to be like. I mean, who thought a friend would show up an hour after our flight? But then again, Jill did look like a good company to keep so I didn't mind.

I showed up a few minutes after, watching as Jill and Harry were talking by the balcony before I called them, informing them that the food's been cooked already. They quickly shot up, scurrying to the dining table and sitting down quickly. I smirked, taking note of how hungry they were.

"Wow, the waffles look heavenly." Jill murmured, licking her full lips as she hungrily stared at it. I slightly chuckled at this, sitting down on the last vacant chair around the round dining table, amused at their expressions.

"Well don't just sit there. Eat." I laugh at them as they quickly reach for the waffle of their choice, slowly but surely enjoying the deliciousness of the meal. I got my part too, eating like a normal person would do. Unless, of course, you want to eat like these people surrounding me right now. 


"So, that's how I bumped into this jerk in Illinois." Jill finished off her story about how she met Harry here around last year, telling me in full detail how she was more than shocked to find out Harry Styles was the one who found her phone in the restaurant.

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