Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Emily? Hello?"  The sound of Jill's annoyed tone snapped me out of my trance, glancing up at the irritated look she gave me. I gave her a sheepish grin, slumping my shoulders in defeat as she caught me not paying attention to what she was saying.

"So-sorry. What were you saying?" I sputtered, afraid to look at the devilish glare she was aiming at me as of the moment. I heard her grunt in annoyance, watching as she ran a hand through her cascading locks before huffing defeatedly.

"I said Shelly found out what happened to you and she asked me to tell you that she'd visit you soon." She explained and I just nodded absent-mindedly, my thoughts leading me somewhere else once again until she cleared her throat, startling me.

"Really though, Ems? What's bothering you so much right now?" Her accent rang through my ears as well as the curiosity lacing with it. I heaved a deep sigh, debating on whether to tell her about what happened nearly two weeks ago. 

It's been two weeks since Harry came to Jill's flat. It's been two weeks since I'd last seen him and it's been two weeks since I let him out of my life for good. And honestly, for the past two weeks I've been feeling numb.

I guess I wasn't used to the company I had for the past few weeks. It's not that I didn't enjoy Jill being around me. Maybe it was because I was used to living in Harry's flat ever since we arrived. I shook the thought away, clearing Harry off of my head.

"I told you it's nothing, Jill. Maybe I just need some fresh air or something." I shrugged nonchalantly, acting like nothing was bothering me when really it was the polar opposite of how I felt as of the moment.

She hummed to herself, examining my features carefully, making me slightly uncomfortable. She nodded, giving me a satisfied look until she snatched my phone away, my immediate reaction an entertaining thing to watch for her.

"Give it back, Jill!" I hissed, reaching for my phone just when she pulled back with a mischievous smirk. She had an unfamiliar flint in her eyes, inching towards me, my phone behind her back, "I'll give it back only if you tell me what's bothering you." She offered, waving my phone mockingly in front of me.

I grunted in aggravation, "I told you there's nothing bothering me." I insisted, reaching for my phone again only for her to tug it behind her back once more, the glint in her eyes still evident.

She contemplated for a second, examining my features carefully before humming to her satisfaction, "Alright, then. Since you don't want to tell me what's bothering you. Might as well call Harry using your phone, hm?" She threatened, my reaction immediate at the mention of Harry's name.

"What? No! Jill, please!" I pleaded, jumping to reach the phone grasped tightly in her hand. She threw it to her other hand, the smirk widening. "Fine, fine! I'll tell you the truth!" I gave up, watching her smirk transform into a sheepish grin. 

She chucked the phone to me before resuming to her old position, "Now, spill." She ordered, propping her elbows on top of the counter, waiting patiently for me to spill everything. I sighed, running a hand through my tangled locks as I looked at her.

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