Chapter Three

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"Watermelon!" Our heads perk up to the blonde boy, his grin massive, shoulders raised. He suddenly decided to join in on the debate that he didn't even know about. He placed his shoulders down, a frown coming up his face.

"Wait, what are you guys even arguing about?" He asks, holding his cart full of chips and sodas. I glance back at the curly-haired boy, then to Niall, then back to Harry. I was going to reply to Niall calmly what we were arguing about, but Harry beat me to it.

"We were talking about condom flavors." He grinned cheekily, both Niall and I gasped in shock as I automatically smacked him in the shoulder. Saying I was gobsmacked was an understatement. That fucking twat.

"You guys are disgusting!" Niall shouted, chucking a pack of Doritos at Harry as he left the aisle. Harry doubled over in laughter, gripping one of the handles of the cart we had as he clutched his stomach. Tears were actually threatening to come out of his eyes as he laughed so hard.

I grunted, picking up the pack of Doritos Niall had thrown at him, propping it on our cart. "You can't stay civil for a minute, can you?" I hissed, looking at the now calmed boy. He sheepishly grinned, shrugging nonchalantly. 

I rolled my eyes at him, heading towards the freezer, getting both vanilla and chocolate. "You're such a prick." I mumbled, shaking my head in disapproval. He just smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned on the cart.

You're probably wondering where we are now. Well, after breakfast, Niall suddenly appeared at our doorstep out of nowhere. Literally. He said he already celebrated early Christmas with his family back in Mullingar so he could have time for the other boys. Let's just say he wants to see me more. Er, don't tell Harry that. 

So basically, we were going grocery shopping for the food needed on the traditional Styles' Christmas Eve Party. Well, I guess only for me and the other guests. Harry usually locks himself up during Christmas Eve ever since three years ago. Everyone in the house knows anyway, that's why we just let him be. 

We were arguing about ice cream flavors. I wanted vanilla whilst Harry wanted otherwise. I don't see why he actually wanted to argue, since we always had vanilla together. But, no. He just suddenly decides to argue with me even though he secretly wants vanilla as well. That prick always wants to win.

We strolled along the aisles of the supermarket; watching as Louis brought out bottles of Corona, chucking it at Niall's cart. Honestly, I have a feeling they're going to be so drunk tonight. Seeing them hungover the day after is something very entertaining as well.

"Guys, we're just having a party. We're not building up a grocery store or something." I huffed, crossing my arms as the boys chose to ignore me, getting more and more stuff from different aisles, Niall's cart filling up. 

I just grunted, leading the way to the counter, Harry right beside me as we pulled our cart. The boys were hot on our trails, cart lined up right behind ours.

It was a miracle that no fans actually noticed us. It was around noon when we decided to go grocery shopping. It's safe to say that it's nearly past two in the afternoon. And yet, no fans in sight. Sometimes I just have a feeling they'll jump out of nowhere and mob us. Oh God, please no. 

After Winter - Harry Styles [Wattys 2013]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon