Chapter 2 : French class

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Ali's POV

I can't  help myself to not stare at Emily. God I  have to admit it I'm totally in love with that girl. She is so sweet, so beautiful. The truth is that nobody makes me feel this way, and I don't know why I treated her like that. Maybe because I know she never will be mine, plus she has a real power over me even if she doesn't know it. I was snap of my thoughts by the bell which is ringing. We all go to French class.

Hanna's POV

I catch Alison starring at Emily and  it's not the first time. She always stay like that for a while. She looks at Emily like she really wants her so badly. It can be weird but it can make sense too, because she never have a boyfriend. And God knows that almost all boys in Rosewood high have a crush on Alison. If she is lesbian it can totally explain why she is always alone. I will speak about this with Mona, maybe she sees somethings too.

When we arrived in the class Emily, Spencer and Aria were in there too. I see that Emily is alone, so I grab Mona's arm and pushed her to the sits beside Emily, like that Alison will have no choice, she should sit beside Emily.

Mona " Hey!! That hurts!! You weren't forced to push me like that, we are always sitting besides. " She almost  scream.

Hanna " Shhhh!! You were too slow" I whispered

I decided to text her like that we will able to speak and nobody can try  to listen.

Hanna: watch Alison acting with Emily, I think she has a crush on her. Be quiet and act normal

Mona" Why are you texting me ? I'm sitting right next to you!"

Hanna" Shut up and read it !"

Mona: Are you out of your mind?? She hates her!

Hanna: Do what I told you OKAY!! I'm pretty sure of that !!

Mona: Okay, okay ! I will !

Ali's POV

As I arrived at my next class I saw Hanna grab Mona and rush inside. Well, I don't know why, but we I saw that the only sit available is next to Emily I get it. Well, I have no choice . Our teacher talk during 45 min at least to introduce herself before she decide to really start the class. Let's begin says Mrs Bill. So you will work with the person next to you and you will have a month to prepare a project on France, you can choose anything that you think represent France. You can start now and I'm here if you want help or more explanations. Great I will work with Emily, I will be able to work with her everyday during a month.

Emily " So uhm.. Would you like to work on something special? She  asked  sweetly.

Alison " I don't  care you can choose what you want" I reply without paying attention to her.

Emily " Look! Dilaurentis I know that you're not happy to work with me but it's not an excuse to be rude okay!" She replied curtly

I was a little hurt but I know it's totally my fault.

Alison " Yeah I-I'm sorry !  We can come at my house after school, it can be our daily routine to work during this month ?" I said in an apologizing voice.

Then the bell rang and Emily go out of the class and I ran after her to give my number and address.

Hey I say as I grab her hand you walk out so fast I don't have the time to give my number and my address. I said sweetly

Emily " Oh, yeah thanks. What time?"

Alison " When you will be ready!" I said as I left her.

Spencer's POV

Whoa you get her phone number and her address !! Since when did you become best friend I said sarcastically to Emily??

Emily " Since you and Aria let me alone in French class"

Spencer " Well I thought class isn't funny with me ??

Emily " I didn't say that!" I replied smiling

Aria " Liar !! Because I' pretty sure you said it at lunch today !"

Emily " Okay, I guess i will never win against team Sparia" I said laughing

NEVER we said in unison.

Ali's POV

School is over so I walk out to find Hanna since she was my ride today.

"Ready to go?" I asked her

Hanna " Humm I'm sorry Ali but I can't I have to go at Mona's."

Alison"Are you kidding me Han ?? Because I hope so!"

Hanna " I really sorry it's an emergency."

Alison" So I can come Mona is my friends too. Remember!"

Hanna " I know but you just can't I'm sorry. Bye!" She said as she left the school.

When I began to walk Emily's car stopped next to me.

Emily " Somebody needs a ride?" She said playfully.

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