Chapter 5 : Friend's investigation

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Alison's POV
I was waking up by my alarm ! Damn it it's 6am. I realized that I'm not on the floor anymore, I didn't even know how I reached my bed yesterday night.

Emily " You fall asleep in my arm in the bathroom so I took you in bed " She says as she walk out of the bathroom.

Alison " Oh my god I'm so sorry "

Emily " You don't have to apologize, but if you want me to drive you at school you should get ready because I have to go to my home grab my book and clothes"

Alison " You know it's okay if you pick some clothes "

We drove silently at her house I know she wants ask me what happened last night but she stays silent. She probably doesn't know how to ask. We arrived at her house.

Emily " You can come with me it's too early for school so I would make breakfast."

I smile as I get out of her car. I followed her in her house. I noticed that nobody are here.

Alison " Emily are you living alone ?"

Emily " Yeah my dad work in Texas so my mom visit him often."

Emily's POV

I made the breakfast. But I can get out of my head what happened last night. I want to ask her but I don't know how.

Emily " I want to ask you something but you're not obliged to answer. Okay! If it's too personal I can understand it. But..."

Alison " please DON'T" she said in a really sternly tone.

I was kind of hurt when she answered me. I see that bitch face but I also remember how vulnerable she was last night so I'm not mad. But I guess she saw that I was a little hurt because her look said "I'm so sorry".

Emily " It's okay, I get it but if you want to talk I'm here even if you know we are able to talk to each other since a day." I said as nicely as I can.

At school
Hanna's POV

As I am drinking my coffee I was thinking even if Mona isn't hundred percent sure I am convince that Ali is in love with Emily. I saw Mona running toward me. As she tried to catch her breath she managed to say something.

Mona " She is wearing Ali's outfit"

Hanna" she should have a huge crush on her because I not allowed to touch or even look at her dressing. So I ask you again bit do you believe ME now ??"

Mona " well you I think maybe .."

Hanna " shut up she coming !"

Alison " hey girls ! How are you doing ?"

Hanna & Mona " Fine "

Hanna " why looser Emily is wearing your outfit today ?"

Alison " Don't call her like that anymore. Okay !!" I was frozen she never talk to me like that or tried to defend someone " She came at my house to work on our subject in French and she stayed at night so she haven't any clothes" she said more quietly.

Hanna " well did you do something dirt..." I can't finished my sentence because Mona dropped my coffee on my shoes and I'm pretty sure it wasn't an accident.

Oh I'm sorry I heard her said as she brought me to the bathroom while she is saying Ali that we will meet at lunch.

Hanna " Mona what the hell was that."

Mona " Here were you way to speak to her without she freaks out. I let me advise you, it's not going to get it easily." She sighed " and put some water on your shoes" she said as she walk out of the bathroom.

She enter in the bathroom a little panicked and she push me in a stall.

Hanna " What are you doing ?"

Mona " Aria and Spencer are coming, climb on it " she said as she covered my mouth.

Spencer's POV
Aria " Spencer why are you bring me here! I have a math test in 10 minutes!"

Spencer " well I don't know where should I began. Do you remember when I joked when I told Emily she got Alison number. I think there something going on between them two."

Aria " You're crazy she can't bear Alison."

Spencer " yeah but first she stayed at Alison's house last night she wears her clothes today, and I saw them half naked really close I think they was about to kiss each other and ...."
We heard a noise and then a whisper.

Mona's POV

We listened what Spencer was saying, and we were shocked when we heard that there were about to kiss half naked. Hanna gave me a look that saying told you. At the same time her phone fall and I whisper something to her. I was really angry.
We know it's you we heard Spencer say. We get out of the stall, no one was able to speak so I decided to break the silence.

Mona " we were suspicious too "

Spencer " that was you last night " she said holding Hanna strap.

Hanna " give it to me !" She yelled " give it to me or I swear to god.."

Spencer " you swear what Marin ??"

Aria " okay you guys STOP!!!" We all looked at her. A little shocked." We should talk together and share that we know instead of fighting"

We all agreed and by then the bell rang so we decided to meet after school.

Ali's POV
I feel bad for been rude to Emily this morning, she is so sweet and I was such a bitch. I though about it all this morning and I decided to tell her but not at school. I saw Emily sitting at the table at lunch alone. It is the best time to talk to her.

Alison " Em " I said quietly " I want to apologize for this morning."

Emily " don't worry I already told you I get it, it's no big deal."

Alison " you're probably right but I fell like I'm ready to tell you but not at school. If you want come with me now and I will tell you all that you want to know" She looked at me a little confused at first.

Emily " okay here we go !!".

We climb up in her car and we began to drive away from school.

What do you think about the summer final ??
I think it was great ( even if when I watch it there is a huge spoiler in the subtitle 😡) but I'm not sure that the time jump it's a good idea.

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