Chapter 15: The end

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Alison's POV

We were cuddling after our little sex session, and Emily fall asleep in my arm, she is really beautiful how can't I forget her. I think about all of it it's must be really hard for her after my "death" I can't believe she hurt herself and when I come back I was just so rude to her. I feel really guilty right now. I need to talk to someone, to Cece. And then I received a text from Cece.

Cece"Hey you i know you're not sleeping so come open that damn door for me !"

Alison"how did you know ??"

Cece"I Just know! now hurry i'm freezing !"

I ran as fast as I can downstairs without waking Emily up.  I really love that girls she is like on my mind and here when I need her without I ned to tell her anything. I quiet of weird but I think it's an authentic relationship.

Alison " Hey how did you know..." She enter in Emily's house " Well it' not my home but you can come !" I said ironically.

Cece " And I hope it didn't bother Emily but it's cold out there. And yes your mom told me where were you and i don't know I just come. So how is it going ?" she grinned and looked at me " You smell SEX!!"

Alison " I-I it's not you business god Cece !"

Cece "OH! come on don't be a prude!" she said laughing. I gave her a stop it look " Ok, ok so you finally remember ! What happened ?"

Alison " The present she gave me to the Valentine Day, she wears it and it just it me when i saw that necklace."

Cece"So now what ? you're together like before you disappear ?"

Alison " I don't know I think my mom gave  me, just try to start a new relationship, with new memories. But I I just found out that she was cutting herself... Because of me and I'm so scared that maybe I will do something that make her do it again and..."

Cece" Okay Ali just breathe. First of all your mom is right you should go and create something new with her.
And why exactly she was cutting herself ?"

Alison" I told you because of me, after my "death" and I suppose after all I said to her the other day."

Cece " okay then you have to talk about everything it's going to let you know more about what happened when you were gone and I you have some holes in your memory it's going to be good too."

Alison " Okay I will ! So and you and Jason ??" She blushed

Cece" what ? I I don't know what you're talking about!"

Alison " oh come on I'm not blind !"

Cece" well he is nice and I don't know maybe yes there is a little thing but I can't say anything for now. I just hope it will continue like that and maybe more. After all your brother is really hot !"

Alison " okay I get it !"

And we continue talking and laughing until we fall asleep in Emily's living room.

Emily's POV

I woke up and I didn't feel Alison next to me. I first was scared that maybe she is gone again. So I made my way downstairs  worried about where is she. And then I smell the smelt of pancakes and I saw a blonde girl cooking and another sleeping. It's Alison who's in the couch so I bet it's that girl Cece who's cooking but when did she come in my house ?

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