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"So this is your way of making up to me?" I asked as I cocked an eyebrow at him.

I glanced around at the spacious McDonald's interior, letting my eyes roam around freely. Tyler and I were tucked away at the corner, away from the lunch crowd. We were seated right next to the large glass window panel where I like it best. Soft music played in the background, drowned out by the sound of chatter and children's laughter that lingered in the air.  

I was leaning back into my own seat, letting my back settle in nicely against the backrest as I took one big bite of my favourite fillet-o-fish with extra tartar sauce before sipping on my iced milo. I looked up to see Tyler already staring at me in awe and I only threw him a lopsided grin as he shook his head in a mocking manner. 

"You can sure eat a lot," he pointed out as he took a sip of his own cola.

"And I am very proud of myself," I responded, jutting my chin out a little with a smug smile on my face. I took another big bite of my burger and threw some fries into my mouth just to prove my point and in front me, Tyler let out a laugh.

"I thought someone mentioned that she was not hungry," he mocked, his eyes dancing with pure amusement.

"Well, maybe that someone is a growing girl who is going through puberty. And you know how important it is to be eating when you are developing."

"You are 19. I am sure puberty is long over for you my dear friend," he teased, reaching forward to pat me on my head with a wide smile spread across his face but I only glared at him.

"Did you just pat me on my head?"  

"Yes, I sure did."

"No one pats me on my head. I am stealing your burger," I announced and just before I could reach it, he had already taken the half-eaten burger and stuffed it into his mouth. I watched for a while, my jaw dropping with each second passing.

"What the.... I hope you choke on that burger." And just as I finished my sentence, I watched as Tyler started coughing dramatically before me, his eyes bulging out of his eye sockets as he did so. "Oh my god, you are actually choking!" I cried out and I could feel my heart pounding hard against my chest as I rushed over to him. 

The moment I sat next to him, he started laughing out loud, his mouth still full of food. "Ha! I got you real-" Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes were now double the size as the words got stuck in his throat. 

I burst out laughing. "Serve you right asshole." I watched as his face went red and I mentally slapped myself for even laughing at a situation like this. Dude, help him. I quickly sprung into action as I balled one of my hands into a fist, placing one hand on top of it. I positioned my hand just above his navel and pressed down onto it, just like how I learnt it.

After a few presses, I watched as the food fly out of his mouth and landed on the floor in its full glory. I cringed in disgust and it was then did I realise that we have a small crowd forming before us. Tyler had already fallen back down onto the seat as he frantically gasped for air. My gaze flickered from one person to another and silence engulfed us for a while before loud applause pierced through the air. 

I let out a small chuckle as gave them an exaggerated bow to thank them. "Thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed, blowing kisses at the audience while Tyler only shook his head in mock disapproval, a small smile hanging on his lips.

Tyler's face was still just as red as before even after we had finally left the place. The sun shone down on us as we walked along the streets, the wind blowing at us. Silence lapsed between us as I kept my gaze fixated on the ground, kicking a pebble in the way. "Hey," I heard him called out, making me look up at him. I noticed how his cheeks were slightly less red now, his hair a little messier than usual. "Just now was embarrassing, but thank you." 

A small smile graced my lips."I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked as I cupped my ear and leaned closer towards him, pretending as if I have not heard him the first time. 

"I know you heard me Francisco," he said, a small frown etched on his face and I laughed.

"Alright, you got me," I muttered, raising my arms up in mock surrender. 


The drive back was filled with me mocking Tyler about the incident where he would only scoff loudly beside me or glare at me occasionally. All I could say was how much I regret not having it filmed on my phone and he would merely roll his eyes at me while I let out a hearty laugh. It was a good 20 minutes before we have finally arrived and my laughter was just starting to die down a little.  I stepped out of the car once it came to a stop, wiping away my fake tears. 

"You know, you don't have to be so dramatic."

"Oh, I do Tyler."

He pushed open the door and we were greeted by Kyle who was already standing by the door. His blue eyes lit up in excitement as soon as his eyes landed on us. "Hello guys, welcome back," he greeted as a smile stretched across his face. "How was your lunch?"

"Were you just standing here the whole time we were gone?" I asked with my eyebrows knitted together and I watched as he merely nodded. 

"But I had my lunch on the table earlier. It's no big deal."

Just as I opened my mouth to say something, Tyler had already beat me to it. "Kyle here takes his job very seriously," he said, giving Kyle a pat on his shoulder. "I admire you my dear friend. But you know you don't have to be standing here all the time, just relax." Beside him, I nodded furiously. 

"I am just doing my job," he replied with a casual shrug while Tyler and I turn to look at one another as we shook our heads. "So...." He drawled. "You haven't told me how was lunch," he pointed out as he quirked an eyebrow at us, waiting for an answer.

 "Oh, lunch was real interesting," I quickly mentioned, wiggling my eyebrows as Tyler's lips pursed into a thin line beside me.

"Alexandra, you better not..."

"So, let me just tell you. Tyler he-" I felt someone come behind me and a hand was slapped over my mouth before I could continue speaking. Of course, it was Tyler. On instinct, I stuck my tongue out to lick the palm of his hand and he quickly retracted his hand, letting out a yelp. "Loser. I am going upstairs."

As I was walking up the stairs, I turned back and shouted. "Tyler choked on his burger and I saved his ass!"

Hello bestest people! :) Thanks so so much for reading chap eight of Crossed! Thanks for the 172 reads and 28 votes yeah! And as you can guess, it went missing too so I had to rewrite :( which was rlly annoying btw. But anyways I still rewrite it for the awesome readers that are reading my bk. It's definitely different from what I wrote previously bcos I can't seem to recall what I wrote so here it is.
p.s. I will update every Monday and Friday! :)
Also, if you want me to read your bk, you can pm and I will definitely check it out :)
Much love,
Rachel xx

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