Bonus Chapter #2

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Chapter 35: Karen's POV

"Mum, please don't scare Alexandra alright? I can tell that she is really nervous. She had been talking about today for the past week," Tyler said as he looked at me intently and placed one hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Tyler," I reassured him with a smile. "Everything will be alright."

"Thanks mum," Tyler muttered softly as he placed a small kiss on my cheek to which I responded with a small smile.

Both Tyler and I made our way to the dining table and settled down in our seats.

It was then, I heard foot steps reached my ears. Naturally, I tilted my head around to see that it was Alexandra.

She was dressed in a designer white dress that Tyler specially gotten for her. The lace dress hugged her figure just right and she looked beautiful.

"Mum, dad. This is Alexandra. She is my girlfriend," Tyler announced to both my husband and I. He paused to look at Alexandra and shot her a smile before he continued. "I know this is not the first time meeting her but this would be the first time meeting her as my girlfriend, and it means a lot to me," he finished speaking and turned to give me a smile.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting," Alexandra said politely.

"Oh, it's fine, we just got here after work," I told her as I gave her a demure smile and tucked a stray lock of hair to the back of my ear.

I leaned back into my chair and watched as she gave Kelvin a firm handshake before she settled down next to Tyler.

"Nice to see you Mr. Reich," Alexandra greeted with a polite smile on her face.

"Nice to see you too, Alexandra," Kelvin responded with a kind smile and sat back down.

"Our chef had prepared some food. I hope you like it," I informed Alexandra and let a smile fall on my face.

"Of course I do."

We started digging in soon and occasionally made some small talks here and there.

But I kept quiet most of the time as many thoughts were running through my mimd at that moment.

Alexandra seemed like a really nice and polite girl. She seemed to be perfect for Tyler. In fact, the two of them seemed perfect for each other but something seemed to be echoing at the back of my mind.

I kept sneaking a few glances at Tyler and Alexandra to see that they were talking to Kelvin with bright smiles on their faces.

They looked like they are so in love with each other, it would be cruel of me to break them up like every other girlfriend Tyler had before. But sometimes I just don't have a choice.

"So, Alexandra?" I asked softly, all of a sudden, making everyone turned their heads to fix their eyes on me.

"Yes Mrs Reich?" She responded as soon as she looked up from her plate of food and her eyes landed on mine.

"Call me Karen," I said and leaned forward a little to place a hand on her's for a moment.

"So... I was wondering what do you like to do during your free time? Don't mind me, I just want to know you better since you are Tyler's girlfriend now," I said as I did want to know more about her.

"Well, I do enjoy swiming and dancing. Sometimes, I like going to the gym. And I love being with my family," she said, making my lips twitched upwards into a smile as I was touched and shocked that she loves her family.

"It's glad to know that you love your family so much Alexandra. You are such a lovely girl. Not many teenagers value their familes nowadays," I voiced my opinion.

"Thank you," She said politely with a smile etched on her face.

"I'm really glad that Tyler chose you to be his girlfriend. I know you did a great job as his body guard," Kelvin said to Alexandra.

I stood up from my seat all of a sudden and called for Alexandra.

"Excuse me for a moment but can I have a word with Alexandra?" 

"Oh. Okay sure. Why not?"

I watched as she stood up from her chair and started walking towards me.

The both of us made our way to the balcony together as silence settled between us.

Once we were at the balcony, I was the first to break the silence.

"You are not very rich are you?" I asked as I quirked an eyebrow at her. I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but I have my reasons.

"What do you mean?" She asked as her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Are with our Tyler because he is rich and you are not? I'm pretty sure you are taking advantage of him right there. Every girl he dated was just like you. All they wanted was his money. No, it's our money," I said as flashbacks from the past ran through my mind.

Girls were always dating Tyler because of his money. It happened too many times. Every single time, I would tell myself that maybe this one is different, but it's always the same. Once they got what they wanted, they would leave Tyler behind with a broken heart. I don't want that to happen again. I can't bear to see my own son get hurt over and over again.

All I did was to be cautious and not let my guards down easily.

As these thoughts flashed though my mind, anger started to boil in me.

"No Karen. There is no such thing. I love him for who he is. Not his money," she reasoned, yet that was what every other girl said before breaking his heart.

"Call me Mrs Reich," I snapped out of nowhere as my anger got the best of me.

"Mrs Reich, I can assure you I am not with Tyler because of his money. Well, your money."

"I am glad you said that. But just to let you know, I don't approve of this relationship," I stated firmly as I wouldn't let her break Tyler's heart. I know it's selfish of me to generalise her like that but I'm just protecting Tyler before that happens again.

"Why not?"

"Honey, because you and I," I drawled as I placed my hand on her shoulder gently. "We are not on the same level."

I then turned around and walked away from her as soon as possible. I can't possibly tell her that I had to protect Tyler. Maybe if I don't approve of their relationship, she would get the hint and leave Tyler before I find out what she wants from him.

All I did was to protect my son, to protect Tyler. I'm never letting another girl hurt him or break his heart one more time.

Hey! So this the the second bonus chapter, and I hope that it helps you understand why Karen did what she did and why is she such a bitch to Al xD

So what do you think of Karen now?

But anyways, I hope you enjoy this bonus chapter! :D

There will be more to come and if you want more, just leave a comment and tell me :)

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan if you like it! :D

Much love,
Rachel xx

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