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"I think I'm falling for you."

Those words tumbled out of his mouth carelessly, not knowing what had just happened earlier today. His eyes were boring right into mine and if I could almost see the hope in them as they sparkled under the bright light illuminated from the moon and stars. 

He was looking at me expectantly, a small smile hanging on his lips as he waited for a reply. I only blinked as I tried to register what I just heard. My mouth opening and closing once again as the words sitting at the tip of my tongue seem to have melted away.

I was now looking into the eyes of the dark-haired boy whom I first met at 'Food Paradise'. The very boy that wanted his seafood pasta without the seafood. The very boy who made me break into the amusement park with him in the middle of the night. The very boy that had my hair dyed pink for weeks. The very boy who taught me how to ice skate. The very boy who thought I was a burglar and decided to slam me to the ground. 

But right now, he was just the very boy that confessed his feelings to me under the stars. 

"You.. you are falling for me?" I repeated again, stammering as I did so. 

"Yes. I like you Alexandra," he said and I watched as he leaned in closer, his lips merely inches away from mine. My heart stopped beating momentarily at this close proximity I was not used to and it felt as though time had standstill. 

It seemed like the perfect moment. Romantic and sweet. A boy and a girl sitting on the top of the roof, under the dazzling night sky with hues of purple hidden within it and decorated with the brightest stars you would have ever seen. Yet, it felt so foreign, so unreal, it felt so out of place. I felt as though I was betraying Owen if I let that happen, although we are no longer together. But at the same time, I know I'm not ready. I'm not ready for another relationship and commitment. Not just yet.

I looked up into his eyes for a split second before gently placing my hand on his chest and pushing him away from me. I bit my lower lip and watched as his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as he was taken aback. He had opened his mouth to say something, his eyes swimming with disappointment but I quickly cut him off before a single word escaped his lips.  

"I'm... I'm sorry Tyler. I just can't," I mumbled as I quickly made my way down from the roof, leaving a speechless Tyler behind. But I never missed the look in his eyes. The way the hope in his eyes fell and faded away as I muttered the last three words. And I thought about how that must be the way I looked in the eyes of Owen just today. It was a heartbreaking sight to witness. 

I ran back into my room and plopped myself down onto my bed. I had my back stuck up against the cold wooden board of the bed and I brought my knees up to my chin, burying my face in my hands.

A loud sigh escaped my lips as Tyler's words echoed loudly in my mind, replaying over and over again like a broken record that I cannot fix. 

"I think I'm falling for you."


I woke up earlier than usual today. In fact, I could barely sleep. All that filled my mind were Tyler's words and the way hope had fallen from his eyes. All I could feel was my heart hurting and the feeling of being engulfed in sadness as I thought about how another girl is in the arms of my ex-lover, Owen. 

I found myself staring into the mirror and the memories of last night came flooding my mind soon again. All the little details, all the feelings I felt, every little thing remained imprinted in my brain. Looking into the mirror, I don't just see how dishevelled I was, the dark circles under her eyes or the messy dark hair that greeted me. I saw a heartbroken girl staring right back at me, her heart mercilessly shattered into a million pieces, someone who desperately needs someone to pick her back up. 

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