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The sunlight invaded my room, peeking through the small gaps in between the blinds. I groaned loudly, my hands quickly flying up to shield my tired eyes from the bright light.

Pressing my face into the pillow for a few moments, I grumbled under my breath before finally getting up. I managed to finally make it to the bathroom to quickly wash up.

I stepped out of my room to see Tyler walking down the corridor. Our shoulders brushed past each other but none of us muttered a single word.

I managed to get a quick glance though, my eyes scanning his features. His face was serious, his eyes transfixed on something in front of him as we walked straight past one another.

I turned back to see him rubbing the sides of his head, his back slightly slouched over as he dragged his feet. I opened my mouth, wanting to ask if he was okay but I quickly stopped myself before those words escape my lips. I was still mad at him for yesterday after all.

I finally made my way downstairs to be greeted with the aroma of fried eggs and toast that lingered in the morning air. I looked up to find Kyle whipping up some breakfast.

His eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration and his free hand was propped on one side of his hip.

"Morning, Kyle," I greeted cheerfully and let a smile fall on my face as I took a seat by the kitchen island.

He looked up almost immediately and his lips curled upwards into a bright smile. "Oh hey, good morning Al!"

"Do you have my share?" I asked, my elbows propped on the table top as I leaned forward.

"Of course there is!" He announced, placing a plate of scrambled eggs and french toast in front of me as my face lit up. 

"Thank you, Kyle! You are the best!" I exclaimed excitedly before shoving the food into my mouth as he watched me with an amused smile.

"Wow, you must be really hungry huh?" He asked, a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Umm yea,it's really good," I managed to mumble with my mouth still full of food, a goofy grin plastered across my face.

"Anyway," Kyle said, suddenly his face wore a serious expression. "Don't mind me but did something between you and Tyler? You know, before the whole incident."

I frowned upon the mention of his name. "Me and Tyler? There's nothing," I said, waving it off quickly as I continued munching on my toast.

"Really? He was drinking like crazy after you left."

I scoffed. "Doesn't he always drink a lot?"

"Look Al, maybe you should go talk to him. He seems really upset."


"Mhmmm..." He drawled with a nod. "I guess he feels bad for everything that happened," he mentioned with a shrug.

"I guess I could go talk to him..."

"Thanks Al," Kyle said as he gave me one of his brightest smiles with a small pat on my back. "You are the best."

My brain was a mess as I contemplated all the possibilities. I forced a smile, giving Kyle a small nod before he left. The apology sat at the tip of my tongue as a million thoughts rushed through my mind.

Maybe it was my fault. Maybe I over reacted or maybe I was just way too sensitive for my own good. Or maybe all of this was all just a misunderstanding.

With these thoughts still swirling in my brain, I went to grab some aspirin and a glass of water absentmindedly. I walked up to Tyler's room and placed it in front of his door with a small note attached to it.

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