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"How sweet, it's a family reunion," an unfamiliar sickeningly sweet voice pierced through the air. And suddenly, all the animosity and tension between Karen and I had dissipated as I stared at the scene unfolding right in front of my eyes.

I had run outside to the living room to see what was the commotion about. A strong and tall man standing in front of the wide-open door with a smug look plastered across his face. He must have somehow bypass security and bust that down that heavy wooden door.

"What do you want?" I heard Tyler spoke, irritation clearly evident in his voice, but I also did not miss that tiny bit of fear shining through his slightly shaky voice. It was there if you listened closely.

"Oh, you know just thought I would like to pay a visit..." the large man with a scar running down his neck drawled, the smirk on his face grew wide as amusement danced in his dark eyes. In less than a few seconds, I watched in horror as he grabbed Tyler's mum by her arms and pulled her into a headlock, his strong arms wrapped around her torso and neck. Karen let out a high pitched scream, kicking in random directions, struggling to break free. 

My eyes grew as wide as the saucers and as if everything was happening in slow motion as the man holding her down brought a knife dangerously close to her neck. He did not fail to pause and looked deeply into every single one of our eyes, his lips curled up into an evil smile. 

Karen's face contorted in fear as she eyed the piece of dangerous metal cautiously. I do not need to be her to know that her heart was pounding furiously against her chest as each second went by agonisingly slow. It felt like an eternity to her as the man held her tight in his grasp. I turned around to see shock and fear plastered across Tyler's and Mr Reich's faces, their lips slightly parted as they stared ahead. 

"Stay away!" He yelled.

"What do you think you are doing?" Tyler shouted, his chest rising up and down quickly as he drew in deep breaths but he stayed away just like the man had said.

"What do you think I am doing?" The man mocked, bringing the knife a mere inch closer to Karen's bare skin, the thin piece of metal threatening to cut right through that delicate pale skin of hers any second. "I want to show you what is it like to lose your loved one," the same guy with the deep scar spoke. "You got my dad killed," he spat out the words as if they were poison in his mouth.

"I didn't know that they would do that...I am sorry," Tyler apologised, his voice was low and surprisingly calm this time as he maintained eye contact with the man.

"Don't fucking lie to me Tyler Reich, you are not sorry. I know what you did. You stood there and watched as they stabbed him to death yet you did nothing! Nothing at all! My dad was so good to you, he gave you everything you wanted and this is how you repay him?" His voice cracked towards the end but he laughed. "And now, I'm going to let you watch your mum suffers and dies in front of you."

I watched as he raised the knife high up while she squeezed her eyes shut and in a matter of seconds, I found myself charging towards the man, screaming. "No!" I had thrown a punch that landed squarely on his jaw and kicked another in the place where the sun doesn't shine, pushing Karen away from him. 

"Alexandra!" I heard Tyler's anxious voice reached me. It was then I felt a strong pair of arm grabbed me from the back and pulled me into his chest.

"Say goodbye darling," a low unfamiliar voice whispered right into my ears, sending shivers down my spine.

My screams pierced through the air as I felt a sharp pain in my lower right abdomen. Pain coursed through my body as I let out a loud gasp, my breathing hastened and got heavier every second. My face contorted in pain as I pressed onto my lower right abdomen and curled into a ball as I lay on the floor.

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