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"Karen?" I called out in shock as I stared at her in disbelief.

What the hell is she doing here?

"Hi, Alexandra," she greeted, her bold red lips curled up into a demure smile that I can't help but think that it looked extremely fake, gently placing her hand on my forearm. I cannot hide the look of disgust on my face as I quickly pulled my arm away from her. 

"Why are you here?" I finally asked. "What do you want from me now?" I snapped. It was only then did I realise how angry I was. My blood was boiling with rage, anger coursing through every single one of my veins as I stared into the eyes of the woman who forced me to end things with the boy I love.

"Darling..." she trailed off, her voice sickeningly sweet as I clenched my fists beside me. They were so tight that I was sure my knuckles had gone white. It took every muscle in me to stop myself from pouncing onto her, yelling at her. "Come take a seat," she ordered, gesturing to the chair in front of her.

I eyed her suspiciously but I still pulled out the chair in front of me and sat right down, too busy to even notice that Chelsea was staring right at us, a worried look plastered across her face. I had straightened my back almost immediately, my chin jutted out a little in defiance. 

"So..." Karen started off, putting her hands on the table. "There is something I wanted to give you. I found this in Tyler's room. I just figured that I need to get rid of everything that... Well, reminds him of you."

"Just cut to the chase, Karen," I spat, emphasizing on her name, remembering how she made me call her Mrs Reich.

"I am here to pass you something." I watched as she dug through her excessively large and shiny Loius Vuitton bag, pulling out something huge and placing it on the table. She slid it across the table easily, I looked down to see a photo album sitting right on the shiny silver table as a million thoughts flashed through my mind. I wanted to open my mouth to say something but I had remained silent instead. "If you don't mind me, I'm leaving now."

And before I know it, she had already stood up and walked right out that door. The sounds of her heels clicking against the matte black floor echoing in my head. I looked at the photo album before me. The cover was white and there are some words written all over it in black.

I figured it was some song lyrics.

"I just haven't met you yet."

I ran my fingers along the edge of the photo album, and I noticed that the edges were turning slightly yellow already.

I flipped open the photo album to see a photo of me sleeping on the couch. Beside me, Tyler was pointing to me as he looked at the camera, a smirk plastered across his face. I could almost imagine the mischief dancing in his chocolate brown eyes, the way he would laugh at how I sleep since I am indeed a droller.

My eyes averted to the bottom of the page to see a note written on it.

10th September 2014
Caught Alexandra sleeping on the couch... Again. That girl just loves sleeping, doesn't she?

I shook my head a little with a smile on my face as I flipped through a few more pages to find another picture of me. The picture shows me eating my favourite chocolate chip ice cream with extra whipped cream and waffles. And next to that was a picture of Tyler with ice cream all over his mouth as he smiled at the camera cheekily.

17th March 2015
Ben & Jerry with my love ♥

Unknowingly, a smile graced my lips as I looked at the photos of Tyler and I. The memories of that day flashed through my mind.

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