Heat delivery part 2

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"Yeah I'm tough Harry is is probably delivering, Liam is getting close to delivering, Niall is close to be being dilated enough that he can have the babies, and I'm just starting labor" Louis says as they pull into the hospital to head in to check on the others who were deep into labor

Once Louis entered the hospital he could hear Harry screaming at the top of his lungs

"That's Harry" Louis says as he runs to where Harry was as fast as his legs could go

"Okay Mr. Styles one more push and the first baby will be here" the doctor tell Harry as he continued to push with all of his might

Soon Harry was glad to hear the sounds of a baby crying

"It's a girl" the doctor says as he holds up the baby for Harry to see 

"Harry what in the world?" Louis asks as he comes into the room

"Well as you can see this little one was dying to come into the world to meet us she was crowning as I was being brought into the hospital, and when i was in a room her head was out, so I was pushing her out as soon as the doctor came into the room" Harry says as he got ready to push cause they found that Harry was carrying twins and both of them were girls

"Like before Harry string pushes and the baby will be here in no time" the doctor says when he sees the head start to crown

Harry started to push with all of his might and in two strong pushes his second daughter was here

"Harry she is gorgeous" Louis says to him

"I know she is" Harry says as he was able to relax after the both

"Where is Liam and Niall?" Louis asks him

"They are in the male maternity ward that is in the basement of the hospital the reason I was here was cause the first one decided she was not going to wait anymore she was going to be born then and now" Harry says when he sees the pain in Louis eyes cause he could tell that Louis was in labor as well, and he asked the nurse to take Louis down to where Liam and Niall were at since it was much cooler down there instead of above ground where it was very humid and the A/C wasn't helping as much with the relief in the emergency room where Harry was, but he was going to be moved down to where his mates are still in labor

Louis sat in the chair as he was taken to the basement where he could hear Liam scream and Niall crying his eyes out with the pain that he was having with the contractions 

"Hey Niall" Louis says as he enters the room cause he wanted to be with Niall as he labored

Niall was still crying his eyes out

"What the matter buddy?" Louis ask him as he sits in Niall bed

"They said that both of the girls are going to be different when they are born" Niall says to Louis

"Why?" Louis asks him

"One is going to have Spina Bifidia and be deaf in her ears, and the other one will be blind and deaf" Niall says as the nurse comes in to take him down to the operating room, so he could have his girls

"Wait can i go with him?" Louis asks him

The nurse was going to answer when Liam was rolling by really fast on his bed cause he was going to have a c-section cause his little one was in distress

"You will have to wait Mr. Horan your friend has to have an emergency c-section right now" the nurse says as she leaves cause Liam was screaming to get the baby out of him

Niall nodded as he relaxed and as Louis hugged him to make it all better for him

"Niall you will have us to help you with these girls" Louis says as he was being monitored for the contractions as well and to see how far dilated he was with his labor and everything

"Really?" Niall asks him

"Really Niall these girls are going to love you until the end of time, and you will be there to help them along and to teach them what all life has to offer those girls" Louis says as he changes into his hospital gown to help Niall a bit

"They will?" Niall asks him

"Yup you bet cause they already love you" Louis says as Harry was taken down to recovery to recover from the births cause he was tired and wanted to sleep but his girls wanted to stay awake a little longer cause they didn't want to miss the action that was happening around them right now

Soon Niall and Louis saw Liam holding his little one in his arms

"What is it Li?" Niall asks him

"It's a girl and she has another sister that they didn't see cause she was hiding from me" Liam says to them as he holds his two little ones who were conjoined at the back, and they were going to be separated down the road when they were older

"She is adorable Liam" Louis says to him

"I know they are" Liam says as he admires his little ones

Soon Niall was taken back for his c-section cause his little girl was going to be operated on as soon as she was born to close the hole that she has in her back up

"Louis do you think you are carrying twins too?" Liam asks him

"I might cause twins run in the family, so I might be having twins" Louis says as he was hit by a contraction and taken to his room to continue his labor and meet his little one as well

Niall comes into the room a few minutes later with the one that was blind and deaf cause she didn't cry when she was born at all

"Is that one yours Ni?" Harry asks him

"Yeah she is a girl who i love" Niall says as he kisses his little girl forehead as he rocked her in his arms

The other three got to bond while they waited on Louis to have his little one which he will be surprised that he will have twins like the others do

"Hey Louis did you have twins too?" Niall asks him

"Yeah and they are perfect in my eyes" Louis says as he holds his little miracles in his arms

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