Zianouarry: Larry double pregnancy part 2

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Part 2 requested by @harrylover_salsa I hope it is okay and sorry for the long wait

Soon Harry heard the door open and the others must be home

"Did you guys get me anything to eat?" Harry asks since Liam was carrying the food

"No Harry we didn't we stopped cause Louis was hungry and he needed food cause Niall had to be admitted and the baby had too as well cause she is a little early" Liam says as Harry tries to get some food

"No Harry this is for Louis" Liam says to Harry

Harry went up to his room for the night cause he he wanted to be alone right now cause the other clearly cared about Louis and his babies and him only and not Harry

(Harry's room)

Harry got out the ultrasound picture that was done at the office cause they saw that he was going to be having three boys and one girl

"Hey guys this is mommy talking to you now" he says as he looks down at his big bump that he had

The little girl kicked

"Hi princess I didn't forget about you at all" he says to his bump

Harry decided to picked out some names for the babies cause they were going to be making their grand entrance in two weeks and he didn't have any names picked out at all for the babies

"Okay princess I am going to start at the beginning and you can let me know what name you like" he says as he opens the baby book to the first page


"Well Salsa Styles I think i have your name, so now to work on your brothers names, so all of you can have names" he says as he starts at the beginning for the boys and works his way through again so they can have names and all of his little ones have names, so when they were in trouble he knew who was going to be who

(Much later)

"Bastian, Aldi quick kicking your sister she doesn't like that" Harry says to his bump where the boys were kicking their sister and she was trying to get away from her brothers who were beating her up inside of papa and papa couldn't do much else right now until they were born

The boys didn't quit they kept pestering their sister

"Enough guys if you guys won't settle down I am going to go for a walk to get you boys to settle down" he says as he starts to pack his bags cause he was going to be leaving cause Liam and Zayn only care about Niall and Louis right now and they don't care about Harry since he has one more baby then Louis

Harry was quick and once he made sure that the coast was clear he left and he didn't want to come back to that place cause he wasn't loved and once Niall and his little girl comes home they will fuss over her and they might forget about Louis


"Liam, Zayn can we come up with names for the babies?" Louis asks after they were done eating dinner that night

"Of course we can Louis we can have Niall help us with the names cause we have to pick one for the new little one that is in the hospital right now fighting for her life" Liam says to Louis

Louis found out that the twins were girls and he had one boy so they were going to have three girls and one boy so far

"I wonder how Harry did at his appointment?" Zayn wonders cause they haven't heard a peep from Harry at all

"He'll tell us when he wants to" Liam says as they got ready to go to the hospital to see Niall and the littlest fighter

"I hope so I want to hear how many more will be joining us in this crazy house" Zayn says to Liam as they got ready to head for the hospital to be with Niall and their little girl


"Hi guys come in" Niall says as he was holding his little girl on his chest

"Niall she is so precious" Liam says when he saw the small baby on Niall's chest

"I know isn't she and she has been like this for almost two hours now so I love this time to get to be with her" Niall says to the others as they came in with gifts for the little girl cause they didn't expect her to come this early

"Now can we discuss names?" Louis asks as he sits down next to Niall

"Of course we can since there is a boy in there i suggest Nathan as his name" Liam says to him

"I like Nathan and we have to come up with two girl names" Louis says to him

Niall clears his throat cause they forgot a girl

"Oh sorry three girls" Louis says as he looks at Niall

"I like Kelli with two l's" Niall says as he takes his little one off his chest

"Well that one is a keeper" Louis says when he felt one of the girls kick him in the rib since they were head down

"The last one can be Kathleen but we can call her Katie for short" Liam suggest

"Okay Nathan, Kelli, and Katie" Louis says as he says the names again in his head

"Then Zuri can be that one's name" Zayn says as he throws a name into the pot

"Zuri, Zuri Faith I like it" Niall says as he looks down at Zuri who was starting to nurse from mommy cause she was hungry and needed food and Niall was going to feed her so she could gain weight and come home to stay

Zayn decided to go home and see if Harry was there at all


"Harry, Harry are you here?" Zayn asks as he comes into the house to see if Harry was around some place

Zayn didn't see him downstairs so he decided to go up and check the bedrooms to see if he was there and Harry wasn't there either

"Harry are you here?" Zayn asks as he checks the rooms for Harry

Zayn checks the bathrooms and the nurseries and he still can't find Harry anywhere at all and that worries him that due to the lack of attention from the boys he ran away to have the quads on his own and away fro the boys and he may not included the boys in the quads lives at all

V & C

Part 3 will only be done if @harrylover_salsa request it

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