Narry: Lockdown baby

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This request was sent in by @GML0835 I hope it is okay so sorry it is almost two months late

"How's Luna doing?" Niall asks as he keeps an eye on Harry since he was pregnant with their little girl

"She is doing really good and behaving for mommy right now which is a good sign" Harry says as they were walking to biology class that they had with Liam and Louis before lunch since all of them had every class together except for homeroom 

"That's good I can't wait until she is here and we are holding her in our arms" Niall says as he looks at Harry

"Me either i can't wait until i have my body back" Harry says as they head into biology where they were going to have a fun day that day with plants 

Once the teacher started the lesson the alarm went off

"This is not a drill this is the real thing there is a intruder by the school, and he has a gun" the principal says as she got on the P.A to let the school know that they are going to be on lock down until the intruder is caught 

"Niall I'm scared" Harry says as he looks at Niall

"Harry it's going to be okay" Niall says as he was hugging Harry close as well as Luna 

"What happens if i go into labor with Luna?' Harry asks him

'We will take it slow and hopefully we can go to the nurse if she is getting closer to coming" Niall says as he was trying to keep Harry calm so he does not go into labor an they have Luna at school cause Niall had the bag with them just in case Harry did go into labor and he did not want  

"Niall it feels like she is coming cause she is scared" Harry says in a whisper as he was hit by a contraction coming on

"Okay I will see if i can leave and get your bag" Niall says as he sees if he can leave the classroom and get the bag that was packed for Harry and for Luna 

"Where are you going Mr. Horan?" the teachers asks him 

"Harry is in labor and the baby is coming" Niall says to her 

The teacher was going to help Niall get the bag and help him set up some place just in case the baby came Harry was away from the rest of the students


"Guys this is a spare room i keep just in case one of my students does go into labor and they can wait it out until the nurse comes and they go to the hospital" the teacher says as she helps Harry into the private room so he could have the baby in peace and is not disturbed at all for anything at all  

"Thanks I think we are staying here until the end of the day" Niall says as the teacher went to page the nurse to see if she could come and help Harry and Niall out until they could come up with a plan to sneak Harry out of the school 

"We are in this with you guys" Liam says as he was going to help with the contractions

"Yeah we are we ain't going to let you go through this alone" Louis says as he went to get some water for Harry and help keep him hydrated as he was in labor

"Thanks guys I am going to need all of the help i can get" Niall says as he was looking at Harry who was in a lot of pain 

"Niall be there with Harry is all he needs you we can help anyway we can" Liam says as he gives Niall the pep talk before he becomes a dad to little Luna 

Niall nods as he takes his place by Harry and comforts him as he was in labor with their little girl 

"Harry I am going to be here every step of the way" Niall says as he was holding Harry after he had a contraction

"Thanks Niall" Harry says as he looks at the clock to see when Luna was going to be making her appearance known to her parents 

"Welcome Harry" Niall says as he kisses him

"Will you do anything to help labor along?" Harry asks him 

"Sure i can name it" Niall says to him as they were waiting for the all clear 

(Much later)

"Okay Harry one more push and you will be a mom" Liam says as he was delivering Luna 

"Harry I am going to be right here the whole time" Niall says to him as he was ready to be a dad to that little girl 

Harry pushed until he heard that cry

"It's a girl you guys have a daughter" Liam says as he was drying Luna off so Harry and Niall could see her for the first time and maybe hold her as well

"Hi Luna daddy and me have been waiting for you" Harry says as he took the baby girl from Liam

"Niall would you like to do the cord?" Liam asks Niall

Niall cuts the cord separating Harry and Luna 

"Niall isn't she gorgeous" Harry says as he looks at Niall as he was holding Luna in his arms 

"Yes she is lie her mum" Niall says as he was admiring Luna

"You want to hold her Niall?" Harry asks Niall

Niall accepts Luna from Harry 

"Luna you are going to have the best parents in the whole world" Niall says as they left the area where they were since the school was still on lock down since there were more intruders 

All of the classmates wanted to see Luna and be a part of her coming into the world on that special day, and Harry and Luna was able to go to the hospital much later to be checked out

V & C  

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