Larry: Born in the bathroom

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Request sent in by @Sangster_army enjoy

Louis was past his due date with his and Harry's baby, and Harry was checking on Louis every class to see if he was in labor, and Louis kept telling Harry that the baby was fine and he wasn't in labor at all, and the baby was quite happy where it was at the moment

"Louis you are two weeks over due is the baby going to be born cause I am tired of waiting" Harry says as he leans against Louis locker one day 

"The baby is going to be born when it is ready right now it can continue to grow and mature, and when the baby is coming I will let you know" Louis says as he heads to his next class before the bell rings

Harry heads to his next class as well cause he was going to be late

"Okay little one you can come now cause mommy is getting a little uncomfortable" Louis says to his belly as he continues to walk to his next class which was history 

The baby gave Louis a kick

"Okay just want to make sure you can hear mommy" Louis says as he continues to head to history

During History Louis started to feel a little uncomfortable and started to breathe through the pain just in case this was the real thing cause he doesn't see Harry until lunch, and then Harry takes Louis home at the end of the day


"Louis are you okay?" Harry asks when he sees his boyfriend come

"Just some pains here and there" Louis says as he rubs his bump where the baby was being extremely active at the moment and wasn't settling down at all

"If it's labor pains don't forget to tell me and we will head for the hospital, so we can welcome our little one" Harry says to him

"Don't worry Harry id this is labor the contractions are far enough apart that I can handle them here at school, and if they get worse we will head for the hospital" Louis says as he continues to have lunch that day

Louis and Harry continue to enjoy their lunch before they have to head back to their lockers to get their books for their next class

"Louis why do you have the hospital bag with you?" Harry asks him

"If the pains get worse everything is in here just in case we can't make it to the hospital" Louis says to him as he heads for his next class

"Makes sense" Harry says as he heads to is locker to get his books so he could head to class

Louis had the timer with him so he could time the contractions and he headed to the restroom if his water breaks no one will notice at all

"Okay this has to be labor" Louis says during science class cause he felt his water break but didn't soak his pants as well

Louis was able to get through the rest of the school day with the contractions getting stronger and more painful, and this baby wasn't going to wait any longer to be born it was going to be born right in the school and Louis had to tell Harry that they had to get to a part of the building, so he could have the baby in private

"Louis are you okay?" Harry asks him when he sees him

"No this baby is coming now" Louis tells him as another contraction comes on full force

Harry didn't know how to respond cause he was was going to be delivering their baby right there in the school, and Harry thinks where Louis could deliver at since he was getting close to delivering the baby

"The bathroom that is in the gym no one will be there" Harry tells Louis

"No think again" Louis says to him

"The upstairs bathroom that is by my locker?" Harry asks Louis

"Yeah that one will work cause no one goes in that one after school is over anyway and it is spacious a little bit" Louis says as they head for the elevator, so they could head up to that bathroom

Once off the elevator Harry picks Louis up and carries him to the bathroom, so Louis could have the baby

"Okay here we go I am going to take your pants and boxers off to see if i see the baby" Harry says to Louis after he had place Louis on a blanket that was in the bag, so Louis wouldn't get dirty at all

Louis nods as Harry takes his pants off

"Okay Lou the baby is right there, so go ahead and push" Harry says as he places a blanket on Louis just in case someone comes into the bathroom

Louis starts to push with all of his might

"Good Lou the head is almost out" Harry tells Louis as Louis continues to push the baby out

"This hurts" Louis says as he goes back to pushing

"Don't worry Lou it's going to be over soon" Harry says as he cleans the baby up a little bit

"Harry why didn't you keep it in your pants" Louis screams as he continues to push the baby out

"Don't worry we ain't having any more for a while" Harry says as he continues to dry the baby as Louis was pushing

"I hope your right" Louis says as he pushes

"Okay the head is out and it has your hair Lou" Harry says as he completely dries the baby's head off

Lou whimpered as he felt the baby shift inside of him

"Okay Lou all that is left is the shoulders and you are done" Harry says as he gets back into position to catch the rest of the baby

Louis nods as he goes back to pushing

"Louis you are doing so good strong pushes and the baby will be in in no time" Harry says as he coaches Louis as Louis continues

Louis pushed until he heard that cry

"What is it?" Louis asks out of breath

"We got a beautiful little girl Lou" Harry says as he finishes cleaning off the baby a little bit and tying the cord and cutting it

"A little girl?" Louis says crying

"Yes Lou a beautiful little girl" Harry says as he hands Louis the baby, so he could see it for the first time after he had her

"Aren't you precious" Louis says when he sees the baby for the first time

"Ye she is" Harry says as he sits next to his boyfriend and his new daughter

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