Chapter Ten

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| Your POV |

"And where have you been all day, ___?" Honey Lemon asks as you walk into the apartment.

"I was hanging out with Fred," You say.

Her eyes widen. "Fred? So you forgive him?"

"He bought me new equipment. At least three hundred dollars worth of it."

"He what?"

You grin. "Yeah! And then he took me out for coffee. And he wants me to read these." You shrug. "How could I not forgive him?"

"Well, I'm glad you finally worked it out." She smiles. "I told you that Fred was sweet. He's different, but he's a great person."

You smile, too. "Yeah." You sit down on your bed and open the first comic.

Honey Lemon watches you. "Um. Are you going to study with me or are you going to read comics?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry." You turn red and grab your backpack. You help Honey Lemon study her chemistry vocabulary, but you're finding it hard to concentrate as Fred keeps coming to mind.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now