Chapter Twenty-Four

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| Fred's POV |

"What do you mean she's gone?" He asks.

"Right before class she was sitting in here. She was reading one of your comics. Everything seemed normal. But she never showed up. I figured she was sick, but I've searched everywhere. She isn't here."

Fred's breathing increases rapidly. He looks around the room, completely panicked.

"Fred, you know it isn't like ___ to not show up for a test. Something is wrong."

He spots something on the floor. "Something is wrong," He agrees as he picks up a crumbled comic book. It's the last one you borrowed.

"Fred, we don't have time to worry about destroyed comics!" Honey Lemon cries.

"You don't understand! She was so intent on keeping these in good condition. . ." He looks at the window. It's wide open.

"I don't remember if she leaves her window open or not," Honey says brokenly.

"She doesn't," Fred says. "She doesn't feel safe with doors unlocked or windows open. Not since she was jumped." Fred's eyes widen. "She was jumped! That guy! He was wearing a black suit. . . it was so dark, I couldn't see. . . it was Callaghan. He didn't want to rob her of her things, he wanted to take her. Oh man, He probably saw that she was with us. . . that she was with me. . ." Fred presses his fingers against his temples. "He waited until she was gone or distracted and he broke in. Callaghan has her. He wants to use her as bait. I've read about this way too many times in comic books. Honey, we need to find her. Now."

"But where would she be?" Honey Lemon asks.

"Akuma Island," Fred says immediately. "It's where we found him before. Why wouldn't he go right back there?"

Honey Lemon nods. "You're right."

Fred starts to walk out of the lab. "Hiro! Wasabi! Go Go!"

"What is it now, Fred?" Go Go asks. The three of them step out of their labs. "New idea for a 'science experiment'?"

Fred ignores this. "___ was taken."


"All I know is that Callaghan has been the one following her. He waited until she was alone and he took her from her lab. Guys, she needs our help."

Go Go nods. "___ is one of us. We have to save her."

Everyone nods in agreement. "Then let's do it," Hiro says.

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