Chapter Twenty-Two

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| Fred's POV |

"You did great, ___!"

"I don't feel like I did great," You say, falling onto the couch in Fred's room. You just finished practicing after five hours.

"You did. You're going to be the best super hero ever," He tells you. He sits down next to you and pats your shoulder.

You smile. "When do you think we're going to have to fight?"

"Any time," He says with a sigh. "So you have to be ready at all times."

Nodding, you say, "Alright." You lean your head against the back of the sofa. "I am so tired."

"I bet," He says. He touches your arm softly, letting the back of his fingers slide up and down slowly. You take a deep breath before flipping your hand so your palm faces up. Fred looks down and back up into your eyes. He slowly slides his hand down until his fingers are touching yours. Just before your fingers intertwine with his, Honey Lemon walks into the bedroom. You jump and jerk your hand away from Fred's.

"___, are you going to get changed? We have a chemistry test tomorrow and we need some sleep."

"Right," You say. You look over at Fred. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," He replies quietly.

You smile at him before leaving the room.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz