Chapter Eleven

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| Fred's POV |

"Frederick," Heathecliffe says. "You have a visitor, sir."

Fred yawns and stretches. He opens his eyes and sits up. He takes a glance at his clock and says, "Who would visit me at seven in the morning?" He steps out of his bedroom and sees you. "___. What are you doing here?"

"Sorry. It's early. This was a bad idea." You bite your lip. "I'll let you sleep."

"No, no. I was about to get up anyways," He lies.

"Okay," You say. Fred can tell that you're not convinced. You pull the comics out of your bag. "I finished these last night."

"Oh, cool. Did you like them?"

You grin. "I loved them! I had no idea that comics could be that amazing. I-I just- man. I mean, they're no Big Hero 6," You say, referring to the city's heroes, "but these guys are pretty cool, too."

Fred's heart leaps out of his chest. "You're a fan of Big Hero 6, huh?" You nod. Tell her, tell her, tell her. He pushes that thought away and laughs at your enthusiasm. "Would you like to borrow more?"

"Yes!" You say quickly, only to blush from embarrassment.

Fred laughs again. "Follow me." He walks to the shelf and pulls a stack of comics out. He places them in your hands.

"Thank you so much, Fred."

"Not a problem," He says. "Anytime you want to borrow them you can. Under one condition."

"What?" You ask.

"We need to have weekly discussions about these comics every day. Deal?"

You grin. "Deal. We can have them in my lab every morning."

"Sweet!" Fred holds out his fist. You bump your knuckles against his. "About time you become a nerd."

You shrug. "Learned from the best."

"That is the greatest compliment I've ever been given." He smiles.

You look at the clock. "Ugh, I'm going to be late. I'd better go."

"Okay," He says. He follows you out. "I don't have any mascot duties today, but I'll stop by SFIT tonight."

"Great. I've got to stay late, anyways. See you then."

"Alright." Fred waves as you drive away.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now