Chapter Thirteen

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| Your POV |

Your last class was four hours ago and you are still working on your homework. You're completely swamped. You have pages and pages of written assignments to do, plus you've got to work on some other hands on projects.

"___! I have hardly been able to talk to you today! I'm leaving for the night. Are you about done?" Honey Lemon asks from your doorway.

You sigh. "Not even close."

"Aw. Keep working. You'll get done soon."

"Thanks," You mumble.

"See you at home!" She exclaims. She walks off. As soon as you hear the doors close, you drop your face on your desk.

"Hey, ___." You hear Fred walk into your lab. "Whoa, dude. Are you okay?"

You sit up and prop your chin on your hand. "I'm exhausted, I'm starving. . . and I have so much work to do."

Fred frowns. "Well, here." He sets the paper bag in front of you. "Hope you like cheeseburgers." He hands you a paper cup.

You open the bag and pull out the wrapped cheeseburger and box of fries. "Ugh, thank you." You quickly unwrap the burger and take a bite. "You're the best."

Fred smiles. "I've heard." He looks around the messy lab. "So . . . what can I help you with?"

"You don't have to help me with anything," You say. "It's my fault that I decided to read the comics instead of do my homework last night."

"See, that's partly my fault. I gave you comics and you became completely irresponsible."

"Oh my gosh," You say. "I'm turning into you!" You start laughing and grab Fred's hand. "Come on, Freddie, you've got to help me!"

Fred seems to freeze up when you grab his hand and called him Freddie. You immediately regret doing that. You pull your hand away. "O-Okay," He says. "I'll help you turn back to your normal, smart, and boring life."

"My life isn't boring," You argue.

"Please," He says.

"It's not!"

"Whatever. Let's work on your homework." He rolls his eyes. You get everything out on the counter. When you're finished, you hand Fred goggles and gloves. You put your own on and look up at Fred. You immediately start giggling. "What?" He asks, a huge and goofy grin on his face.

"You look like a complete dork," You say as you tie your hair back.

"Well look at you," He says, tugging on your ponytail.

"What, do I look like a dork, too?" You roll your eyes.

"Well, you look adorable," He says.

You blush. "Thanks. Now are you going to help me or not?"

"Of course," He says. "Just tell me what to do."

"Okay. All we have to do is follow these steps." You start telling Fred what to do step by step. You're surprised that he never decided to be an actual chemist. Or a scientist of some sort. He listens to each word you say, and if he makes a mistake, he does whatever he can to fix it.

"So this mixes with this?" He asks.

"Yeah," You answer.

"Do I stir or. . ."

"Well, kind of. Here, let me show you." You place your hand over Fred's and guide it around the bowl. He slowly turns his head to look down at you. You look up at him and feel your face heat up and your heartbeat speed up. His face is red, too. You realize that you're pressed up against his side. You step away. "There. You've got it."

"Cool," He says, less enthusiastically.

"And I think we're completely done after that." You take off your goggles. "Thank you, Fred. It seriously means a lot."

"Freddie'll do anything to help your life become less boring," He says.

You sigh. "My life isn't boring!"

"It totally is!" He says. He washes his hands quickly. "Anyways, I'd better get home."

"Okay. Thanks. Again."

"Anytime." He waves.

By the time you get home, Honey Lemon is already in bed. She opens her eyes when you shut the door. "There you are! Do you know that it's almost midnight?"

"Yeah, well, I had stuff to finish," You say.

"You shouldn't be out that late," She says.

"Goodnight, Honey Lemon," You say. You lay down. As soon as you hear her slow, evened breaths, you take a comic off the stack that sits on your nightstand.

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