Chapter Fifteen

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| Your POV |

As soon as the gloved hand clamps down on your mouth, you begin struggle. You swing your arms around. Another hand latches around both of your wrists and you panic. You bite down hard on the hand. A voice cries out and you tear yourself from their grip. You try to punch the figure, but his hand wraps around yours again and twists. He grabs your backpack and yanks it off of your shoulders. You grab it before he can take off. You're not sure why you don't just let go. You can't bring yourself to do it.

The guy pulls his arm back and hits you hard in the cheek before you can even think to defend yourself. You fall to the ground and release your grip on the backpack. You blink, your vision blurry. You barely register the fact that the guy is standing above you with a knife in hand.


You look up and see Fred. He holds up the SFIT sign and blocks the knife from you. "Fred," You mumble. You watch as he pushes the figure away from you. The figure throws a punch and hits his eye. Fred staggers back and the guy runs off with your backpack. Fred immediately reaches for you. He helps pull you to your feet.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah," You answer, even though your cheek is already swollen.

He looks behind him and starts to move you forward. "Let's get inside," He says.

Fred leads you into the mansion. "Heathecliffe!" He shouts. "Call the cops!" Fred explains everything to Heathecliffe as he sits you down on the sofa and runs to the kitchen. He grabs a towel and some ice and comes back to you. He sits on the floor in front of you and gently presses the ice against your swelling cheek. You wince.

"Sorry," He says softly.

You shrug. "It's totally my fault. I shouldn't of been out at night. I had no idea that I would be attacked, especially in a neighborhood like this."

"It could happen anywhere, ___. But You shouldn't be sorry."

You glance up and look at his face. His eye is becoming a dark blue. "Oh gosh, Freddie. Your eye!"

"It's nothing," He says.

"It's swelling." You take the ice from Fred and hold it up against his eye. He smiles. Then, you realize something. "He took my backpack. All of my textbooks, my phone, my money. . . your comics! I'm sorry. How could I be so stupid?"

"___, he attacked you. I'm sure that it'll be okay. I'll buy you everything you need."

"I can't ask you to do that," You say softly. "You've done so much for me already."

"It's not a problem-" He begins.

"No. I can't let you. You shouldn't spend all of your money on me." You shake your head. "That was so. . . terrifying. I'll never leave a door unlocked or a window open again. You can count on that."

He's silent for a moment. "At least. . . at least let me show you something." He stands up. He takes the ice pack from you and leads you to the hallway. He touches the frame of a picture of him and his parents. You gasp as it opens as a door and you can see what's inside.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt