Chapter Twenty-Eight

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| Fred's POV |

For a moment, Fred is so shocked that his lips can't move. You just kissed him. Then why isn't he kissing you back? This surprised him. He never thought that someone like you would kiss him. He never though that he would fall this hard. And he definitely never thought that you would fall this hard as well.

You're starting to pull away. Fred wraps his arms around you and brings your lips to his once more. He can feel your smile against his mouth, and he pulls away, laughing. You're laughing, too.

Fred takes a deep breath and says softly, "I like you." He opens his eyes. You pull away a little more. Your hands slide to his shoulders. You smirk. Just as you're about to speak, he says, "No. I love you, too."

"You like me and you love me?" You giggle.

Fred blushes. "Yeah."

"Well, I like you and I love you, too." Your eyes scan his face. "More than you'll ever know."

"I mean, you sorta just almost jumped out of window for me," He says. "That's pretty heroic." He smiles. "Hey, look at you! You didn't even need a super suit! You're brave, ___. You're meant to be a hero."

You sigh. "I'd look better in a super suit."

"You are beautiful no matter what," He says. You look down shyly. "You are so beautiful."

You seem to not know what to say. Fred doesn't complain when you kiss him again.

"Uh, hate to interrupt," Hiro says awkwardly. You quickly pull away from Fred and stand up straight. Fred smiles at you. Your face is bright red. Your whole team is standing in front of you. They're smirking, trying to hold in their laughter. "Well. Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Fred says.

"Oh, Freddie," Honey Lemon says. "Are you alright? I was afraid you were going to fall out of the window."

"Yeah, me too," He says. "It was pretty terrifying. Felt like a completely different kind of fear. But it ended up super good." He looks at you.

You roll your eyes and look away.

"Come on, guys," Hiro says, waving everyone forward. You and Fred fall to the back of the crowd. Fred wraps an arm around you while you walk.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now