Chapter Twenty-Three

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| Fred's POV |

Fred's planning on just laying around, playing videogames. He's not really needed around SFIT today, but he's dying to see you. Just the thought of you makes his heartbeat quicken and his stomach fill with butterflies. And even when Heathecliffe orders Fred a pizza, he barely makes a dent.

When Heathecliffe comes back to take the trash, Fred stops him. "I'll just put it in the fridge, Heathecliffe."

"Frederick, you've barely ate all day. Usually you have eaten half of the kitchen by now. Are you feeling well?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He says.

"Are you sure?"

Fred nods.

Heathecliffe stops. "If it's bothering you that much, go talk to her."

"What?" He asks. "H-How did you know. . . wait. I get it. You've got a secret superpower, don't you?" Fred laughs. "I always knew it."

"I can assure you that I am completely average. Go talk to her." He steps out of the room.

Fred pauses his videogame. He stands up and starts towards the front door. "You're right, Heathecliffe. Thanks." And as he opens the door, he says. "I still think you've got powers. And I'll be watching you."

Fred takes the bus to SFIT. He realizes that it's not the best method, because for the first time in his life, he's actually nervous. The carefree Fred is gone. He's nervous because you could completely reject him and push him away. He's excited because this means that your relationship could take a step forward.

By the time he's off the bus, it's nearing the end of the day. Your chemistry class would just be over. He steps into your lab. "Hey, ___, can I talk to-" He stops. You're not here. He steps in anyways, thinking that you're probably on your way back. When the door opens again, he turns.

"Fred," Honey Lemon says with a gasping breath. "Have you seen ___?"

"No," He says. "I just got here. Isn't she in your chemistry class?"

"She never showed up," Honey explains. "She's gone."

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang