Chapter Thirty

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(Last Chapter!)

| Fred's POV |

The next day, you and Fred are hanging out in his backyard. He's sitting in the grass with you. His arms encircle you as you rest against his chest. You're reading a comic out loud to him.

You pause. "Do you think of yourself as a hero in a comic?"

"Obviously, I'm Fredzilla," He says. "Don't you?"

"No," You say. "I thought that I would after I saved you and all that, but I still see myself as a silhouette in the background."

Just hearing that made Fred's heart break. "___, you are definitely not in the background. Do you even realize how amazing you are? Back when you hated me-"

"I didn't hate you," You say.

"Yeah, you did. Anyways, all I could ever notice was you. The way you would nervously twirl your hair, blush when you talked, cover your mouth when you laughed. . . I loved you even then."

You smile. "I love you so much."

"I love you. Don't ever think less of yourself. You are amazing." He pats your hand. "And since Freddie said it it's gotta be true."

You blush and continue reading, a huge grin on your face.

He pats your arm. "Come on, we've gotta be productive. Let's practice."


"Now Freddie's gonna give you some pointers on fighting villains." He helps pull you up to your feet.

"Okay," You say, "but I'm pretty sure I've got it all handled. I'm the one who saved your life."

Fred laughs and backs up. "Alright. First one to the flag is the winner." He points at the neon plastic flag at the end of the yard. Make your move, super hero."

Just as you move forward, Fred grabs the SFIT sign off of the grass. He starts to swing and spin it. You stop.

"What are you doing?" You ask, totally confused.

"Distraction!" He yells, leaping forward. You fall to the ground. "Villains will do anything to distract you," He says proudly, taking off towards the flag.

You scramble to your feet and sprint forward. Instead of grabbing the flag, you tackle Fred to the grass just before he grabs it. "Ha!" You say, pinning him to the ground.

"Pretty good, pretty good," He says.

You take off the top part of the kaiju head and smile when you see his big blue eyes. "Thanks," You say. You lean down and kiss him softly. During the kiss, you reach up and grab the flag. After it's in your hand, you exclaim, "Distraction!" You pull away and start running.

Fred shakes his head, totally confused. "Oh, no one distracts Fredzilla!" He stands up and begins chasing after you. "Come here!"

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora