Chapter Six

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| Your POV |

"Hey, Honey. I was thinking that we could-"

"Sorry, ___. Kind of busy," She answers quickly. She pulls her high heels on and stands up.

"Oh. Okay. Are you going out with Go Go again?" You ask.

"Yeah. Maybe we can watch a movie later. Okay?" She smiles. "Bye!"

You smile back. When she's gone, you sit on your bed and turn on the TV. Honey Lemon had been disappearing a lot. She'd get a text or call, get up in the middle of a movie or shopping trip or study session and leave. She'd be gone for hours.

When you tried to hang out with Wasabi or Go Go or sometimes even Hiro or Fred, your calls would go straight to voicemail.

You were really just feeling as if you weren't included in anything. So instead of going out with your best friend, you watched the news. Big Hero 6 saves a woman from a robbery, once again. You wish that you could be as awesome and heroic and strong as they are. But instead, you're ordinary and boring and you spend your days doing everyday science nerd things.

You turn the TV off.

| Fred's POV |

The next day, Fred sits on the old recliner he keeps outside of his friends' labs. He's reading one of his newer comics while everyone is working on their projects.

Fred only looks up when you step into your lab. He sighs.

"Fred, if you like her, go talk to her!" Hiro whispers loudly as he passes by.

Fred turns a bright red. "I don't know what you're talking about." He lifts his comic up in front of his face.

Hiro grabs the comic and yanks it away. "Fred. Dude. Go talk to her."

Fred frowns. "She'll never like me."

"How do you know if you won't go talk to her?" Hiro asks. He gestures towards your lab. "Just get to know her." Hiro hands the comic back to Fred.

Fred nods. "Okay." He stands up and walks to your lab door. He knocks softly.

"Come in," You say without glancing up.

"Hey, ___," Fred says.

"Hi," You say quietly.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"Stressful," You answer.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Um, is there anything I can do to help you?" He asks.

"No," You say quickly. Fred nods. "Sorry," You then say with a sigh. "I just . . . I like to work alone."

"No worries," He says. "I totally get it."


"Maybe I'll see you later?" He asks.


"Okay, well . . ." Fred begins backing way. Without paying attention, he hits his back against the shelf. He cringes as he hears the crashing of glass.

"Fred!" You shout.

Fred steps away. All of your beakers and glasses are totally broken. You drop to your knees and start to pick up the shards of glass. You wince in pain as it cuts your palm.

Fred drops to his knees. "I'm sorry!" He says. "I really, really sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine," You say through clenched teeth.

Fred sees the drops of blood on the floor. "Don't pick it up with your hands," He says softly. He reaches for you.

You yank your arms away. "Just get out of here, Fred."

"___," He says patiently. He takes your hands and brushes the glass off of them. To his surprise, you let him. You sit there quietly, staring up at him with wide eyes. He finishes. You yank your hands away. "You're. . . going to have to use tweezers. I think that glass went into your cut."

"I'm fine," You say. "And I think that it'd be better if you just go."

He nods. "Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry, ___. I really am." You don't reply. He stands up and walks out.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now