New Beginnings

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Adeline's POV

I took a deep breath as I leaned forward and hit record. "Hey guys! It's Adeline here with my weekly video and I'm not sure if you've all heard but my girlfriend and I broke up." I gave a small smile at the camera before I spoke again.

"Now, before you go on a rampage, I just want you all to know that I'm doing fine. Friends have been stopping by with pizza and movies along with good advice and a shoulder to cry on."

"But I'm not going to let a bad breakup put a damper on my mood and it shouldn't for you either because here are 5 reasons why Ariana Grande and I would make a cute couple!"

"Reason number 1: I could do all the couple challenge tags with her and we'd have so much fun. Reason number 2: Since we're the same size and she's the same size as me, we could borrow each others clothes all the time." I gave a quiet chuckle and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Reason number 3: I could support her with her singing and she could support me with my YouTube channel and nothing's more cute than supporting each other. Reason number 4: I could tag along with her on tour and make surprise appearances!"

"Finally reason number 5: She makes me happy and you're probably wondering why I said that. It's because in a relationship the other person is supposed to make you happy no matter what." I grinned widely and threw my arms in the air.

"That's it for this weeks video. My twitter, instagram and tumblr will be in the description down bellow. If you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share it and maybe tag Ari when you do. That'd be great and subscribe if you want to see more videos of me and leave a comment down bellow if you'd think Ariana and I would make a perfect couple. See you all next week! Byeeeee." I blew a kiss to the camera and covered the lense with my hand and stopped recording.

"Yay I'm done." I let out a quiet giggle to myself and grabbed my laptop to transfer the video from my camera onto my computer to edit and upload.

I hummed to the toon of my ringtone silently before picking it up and hitting the "ANSWER CALL" button.

"Hello?" I tapped my fingers against my keyboard waiting for my laptop to turn on. "Addyyyyyy." His raspy voice was extra deep today. "Hey Xian. What's up?" I typed in my password and transfered the video onto my laptop.

"I was wondering if you had plans today." Loud music and laughter filled his background noise and I frowned. "Are you at a party?"

A loud crash came from Xians end of the call than a scream followed by a voice I recognized very well. "Don't touch that!" I rolled my eyes. "Ade's throwing another great bash isn't he?" I heard Xian chuckling on the other side. "Yeah and he's losing his cool. He said he invited you and you declined?"

"Yeah because who throws day parties? I love the kid but today I had to film." I opened iMovie and put Xian on speaker. "Oh. Well when you're done are you going to stop by?" I chewed on my bottom lip as I stared at my phone. "Um. Is Cait there?"

A long pause was heard on his end. "Xian. Is she there." He sighed and I knew the answer already. "Has she spoken to you?"

"No but she has seen me and walked the other way. I think she expected to see you. Ade forgot you two broke up. He thinks that's why you didn't show." I shook my head. "I told him I had plans."

It didn't take me long to edit my video nor add music but Xian was still persisting I show up. The party didn't sound like it was going to end any time soon. So I finally caved.

"Good. She looks nice by the way. Hair curled, make up done and this little number." I hit the publish button angrily and gritted out, "What colour?"

"In this lighting it looked black. But I think it's a dark blue." I nodded and turned my laptop off. "I'll be ready in half an hour. Be there soon. I love you." "I love you too." I ended the call and got off my bed.

"Time to look hot." I plugged in my straightener and stripped out of my leggings and oversized sweater and replaced it with my black skater skirt and pink bandeau. I put on some black pumps and sat at my vanity.

I straightened some waves that I had in my hair that the humidity caused from my already straight hair that I had done this morning and added some black liquid liner to create a cat eye and some pink eye shadow and extra mascara. A rosey blush for my cheeks and a bright pink for my lips.

I stood up and grabbed my phone and black clutch holding my I.D, drivers licence and portable phone charger. I walked up to my full length mirror and sighed fixing my hair and fixing smudges from my makeup. "I have to smell good too."

I walked back to my vanity and picked up my favorite perfume which is Ari by well, Ariana Grande. It did smell like a dream and now I did too. Grabbing my keys, my phone kept on buzzing. "Why are you so annoying." I groaned and checked my lock screen.

Notifications from Twitter kept popping up from my fans tagging me, my video and Ari's twitter handle in all their tweets. A little smile tugged at my lips before I put it in my clutch and made my way to the front door.

But if only I had scrolled down the notifications, I may have seen one important message to me.

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