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Adeline's POV

I closed the bathroom door and leaned my back against it trying to catch my breath. I can't believe the Ariana Grande was in my apartment. Thank god my roommate wasn't home or else she would ruin all of this.

It honestly feels like I'm dreaming so I pinched myself. "Ow.." I muttered under my breath but nope not a dream. I changed quickly into the jeans and sweater and fluffed my hair. I opened the door and saw that the bedroom door was still closed. I knocked on it lightly. "Ari you okay in there?"
"Um yeah I just need your opinion on something. Can you come in?" I turned the nob and pushed the door in. There she was standing in the middle of my room in only her bra and my leggings.

My mouth suddenly felt very dry and was that my heart beating or someone playing the drums oh god she was beautiful. I wasn't sure how long I'd been stairing at her but I quickly averted my eyes from her body to look at her. "Yellow or blue?" She held up two sweaters a pale blue or a soft yellow. "Yellow. It brings out your eyes." She smiled and put it on.

My heart was still thumping loudly I was pretty sure she could hear it. She started walking towards me and I suddenly felt queasy and excited. She pressed her lips against mine and I swear fireworks went off.

I cupped her face and pulled her closer to me. She wrapped her arms tightly around my body and nipped at my bottom lip. I parted my lips for her and she slid her tongue in my mouth.

I could feel her pulling us towards my bed and she sat down. I followed her lead and straddled her lap but I didn't put all my weight I was so afraid to crush her. I think she noticed because she squeezed my butt and I sat down fully. I could feel her smirking in the kiss so as revenge I slid my hands under her sweater and slowly scrapped my nails down her back. I felt her shiver and she pulled at my sweater.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked in her eyes. "Not now. Maybe later." She pouted and nodded. She gave my lips a slow peck before getting off the bed. I followed behind her and we walked to my living room.
"Do you live alone?" I shook my head. "No I have a roommate. She's also like my best friend. Her names Savanna. She's alway out late so we should have the whole place to ourselves." Ari smirked again and walked over to me. She slid her right hand in my back pocked and squeezed. "Good." Is all she said before walking away. My cheeks felt flushed and I quietly ordered two vegan pizzas.

She was plopped on the couch so I sat beside her and turned on the TV for some music. I always picked the channel that played the most recent music so her song Into you started playing and we giggled.

I stood up and held out my hand? "Shall we dance?" She smiled and took my hand. "I thought you'd never ask." We danced around my living room together and grinded a bit on each other. I turned to face her when the bridge starter and locked my eyes with hers. She was still just as beautiful. With her ponytail slightly crooked and her lipstick a bit smudged from the making out and her eyes puffy because she was tired. I found her breath taking with clothes on and off.

Her personality was my favorite part about her. She is so kind, positive and doesn't bash other women. Not to mention she doesn't judge people and she loves animals just as much as I do.
"You're so beautiful." She told me and I blushed. We were about to kiss when the buzzer sounded. Pizza guy is here. "I'll get it." I let him in our building and awaited until he knocked on my door. Few seconds later he did so and I opened it. "Two vegan pizzas for Adeline?" I smiled and handed him the money since they told me on the phone. He gave me the two pizzas and I thanked him as I closed the door. "It smells heavenly let's eat!" Ariana exclaimed excitedly. I sat down again on the couch and placed them on the coffee table.

We each grabbed a slice and talked about ourselves. I found out that her favorite colour is lavender, her favorite fruit is strawberries, she loves horror movies and halloween, her favorite era is the dangerous woman era, she and ricki still haven't broken up but he knows she doesn't want to be with him so he doesn't care, she loves dates and is terrible at makeup.

I knew most of this but it's different when she tells you directly. I told her some information of myself and it felt like I knew her a lot better. We talked, laughed and ate until there were two slices of each pizza left. "Wow we ate a lot." Ari stated and I laughed.

"You want to watched a scary movie?" I asked her but I had a feeling she wouldn't reject me. "Yes duh. Can I pick?" I nodded and stood up. I walked to my kitchen that was next to my living room and placed them on the counter.

I made my way back to the couch and grabbed the blanket that was beside me. Ari scooted closer and I placed the blanket over top of us. "I see you picked Don't Speak."
"I've never seen it." She told me and intertwined our fingers together. Chills went up my body and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
"Me either."

I was so scared through the entire film that I climbed to Ari. She didn't seem to mind because she wrapped me in her arms and held me close. It was nice. I could hear her heart beating and it was beating fast. Was she just as nervous as I was?

We still had plenty of the movie to go and it was only 11 at night. I needed her to stay with me. I needed her with me all the time.

I looked up at her with my big brown eyes. "Ari you're staying over right?"

//AN// hah hahah I'm evil. This is sooooooo cute I ship them hard core and the next chapter will be the end of the date next morning type of thing. And this is longer than my usual updates I hope you enjoyed it. Oh and that movie I have no idea what it's called but I know it's about a blind guy? I might be wrong oh and aris information might not be 100% cause you know fan fiction.       Anywhoo I'm glad I updated ♡♡ see you beautiful people next chapter xoxo

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