Boys suck

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Ariana's POV

I led Adeline into my humble abode as Ricki followed in quietly behind. The dogs quickly came to the front and started barking loudly at her. "Toulouse no you'll scare our new guest." I frowned and Addy did look quite terrified of a dog who wasn't even half her size. "Don't worry, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Just let him smell you and you'll be fine." She stuck his hand out for him to investigate and suddenly he started to lick her hand. Adeline laughed and petted Toulouse.

"Just let Toulouse do his job, Ari. Lesbians are scary enough." I scoffed and turned around so I was facing him and glared at him. "You take that back." Ophelia started growling at Ricki and he growled back at her.

"Whatever. You two have fun with your little pajama party." He sneered at us and pushed Adeline as he walked by with his shoulder and since she wasn't expecting it, she fell on her butt.

"Ricki you jerk!" I helped her up. "I'm so sorry ugh I didn't know he was going to be this terrible." She shrugged her shoulders and quietly looked around the living room, when an idea came to mind. "Come on. I'll show you something really cool." I grabbed her hand softly in mine and in return she smiled at me and we walked outside.

My backyard held a little garden with several types of flowers and plants, a hot tub and a swimming pool. "Wow." She walked to the small greenhouse that held our garden and I followed her. "You can look inside if you want." She opened the door slowly and I heard her gasp as she opened it.

"It's so beautiful in here." We slowly walked down the aisles when I saw a beautiful daisy and I picked it. "Addy." She turned around and I stuck the flower behind her ear. She blushed furiously and I giggled. "Can I take a picture?" She blushed again and nodded still being shy as ever but I took many pictures.

I uploaded it to instagram with the caption "because I think the flower and the girl are pretty." and shared the photo on my twitter as well. I instantly got comments saying that they recognized Addy from her YouTube channel and how she was so lucky.

I turned my phone off again and Adeline was still looking at the flowers, the daisy snug behind her ear. I followed her quietly until I heard her ask. "Favourite color?" I answered her rather quickly. "Lilac. What's your favourite movie?" I knew the answer to that but it was still nice to ask. Get to the basics than into the more personal questions. "Mean girls. But the fault in our stars is a close second. If you weren't signing what would you like to be doing?" I frowned and tapped my finger against my chin than I knew my answer.

"Living to my full potential. Why was it so hard to come out?" She stopped walking and turned around. "Fear of being judged. Fear of living in a world with a small amount of peace. But I'm happy I did." I hadn't realized how close she was and how far our lips were apart. Her breath smelled of cherries and it was warm against my lips.

She leaned in slowly, her eyes flickering betweem mouth and eyes and my heart beat sped up. "Ari." She pulled away quickly before our lips touched and Ricki rolled his eyes. "Show starts in 20, let's go." Adeline gave me an awkward smile before walking out of the green house quietly. "Let's go lesbo." He smirked and I pushed passed him when I walked by but he grabbed my wrist harshly and spun me around so I was facing him. "If she ever tries that again, I will hurt her. You're mine." and then proceeded to shove his tongue down my throat.

He pulled away and walked off, his ego so enormous I wanted to puke. But I didn't. I wiped my mouth and left the greenhouse, leaving a possible sweet memory behind.

//AN// I know I know really short and filler chapter I'm sooooo sorry and no hate on Ricki I bet he's a nice guy but that's why its a fanfic guys and I love a lil bit of drama hehe but thank you all so much who have stuck this far with me all the internet hugs for you. Xoxo

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