I'm so into you

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Ariana's POV

Xian seemed like a really nice person and he is but I couldn't stop staring or thinking or wanting to kiss her. Her smile, her laugh, her personality and not to mention that body. I wish we were alone.

Suddenly Xians phone started to ring. "Sorry ladies but I have to take this." He walked out of the room and we were alone. Finally.

"Your friend seems to care about you a lot. That's really sweet of him." I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. She turned to look at me and everything seemed to go in slow motion my heart was suddenly beating at a rapid pace I could hear it in my ears my body temperature was rising and she looked so pretty as always all I want to do is hold her and be with her and kiss her and so I started to kiss her but not a little peck I want this one to be explosive and different I want more. She cupped my cheek with her hand and the other was placed under my shirt. Her touch sent shivers up my spine. I straddled her waist and tangled my fingers in her hair.

The heat between us was in tense. I did not want this to stop. Maybe we could move it to- "Oh my god!" I pulled away from Adeline and slowly turned around. "What is going on?!" Her friend look exasperated and confused. I don't blame him.

She and I shared some awkward eye contact before Adeline spoke up. "We're kind of dating.." She trailed off and looked at me again for confirmation. "I thought we were just seeing each other. You did just break up with Cait. I don't want to rush things."
  "I'm ready to be with you. I've always been. We just had some obstacles in our way but now that we're both single I think we can confirm that we're seeing each other. I want to be with you Ari." I squealed and kissed her cheek. "I have been waiting for you to say that. I can't wait for you to meet my family and the twins. They're going to love you."

Xian cleared his throat and I got off of Adeline's lap. "I'm so sorry you had to see that." He didn't say anything. He just shook his head at the two of us. "Okay being friends with Ariana Grande is one thing but dating her? Why didn't you tell me?"

Addy darted her eyes between Xian and I and smiled softly. "I didn't want you to make a big deal out of it." Xian blushed and instantly started apologizing to me. "Ugh I'm so sorry how could I be stupid to faint and than fan girl in front of you. Not to mention that you're a completely normal person except that you are a famous pop star currently on tour and you're kissing my best friend. I get excited very easily." I laughed at his enthusiasm and sincerity.

"Don't worry about it. I can imagine it's not every day she introduces you to famous people. I think you handled the situation quite well." He squealed loudly and hugged me. Then he pulled away and gasped. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I should have asked first."

I laughed again and hugged him back. "Just breathe." We shared a quick squeeze before pulling away. "Well I don't mean to be a buzz kill but I think it's safe out there for you. I think we should get out of Xians hair. He has some studying to do." Adeline walked over, grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah I do have a big exam tomorrow. You girls can make it safely back to Aris place right?"
"Uh I was kind of thinking of inviting her over to my place. It's a lot closer plus no one's home." I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah that sounds okay." I said as my voice squeaked. We walked to the door and said our goodbyes to Xian before returning back outside.

The air was a lot more crisp and it looks like it was going to snow. I shivered as a cold breeze went by and Adeline didn't hesitate to take off her coat and put it around me. "No, princess I'm fine." She snorted in response and nudged me with her elbow lightly. "I'm wearing a thicker sweater than you. I'll be fine." I smiled  softly.

In under five minutes we made it to the apartment complex and we walked in. She hit this little button at the entrance and then someone buzzed us so we can get inside.

The lobby looked really nice with a couple potted plants in certain corners of the room, some comfy chairs to sit on with a long couch and some magazines laid out on a table. "Not to brag or anything but having a YouTube salary does help with your living situation."

We walked into the elevator and she pressed the button for the third floor. The doors closed and I watched the numbers as they changed. We reached the floor and the doors opened. We walked out and conveniently hers was the first one on the left. She took out her keys and unlocked the door. She pushed it open. "After you." I curtsied in response then entered her little home.
The first think I noticed were the colours. Lots of rose gold and white and lavender and mint. It was like a winter wonderland. To the right was her mini kitchen in front of me was her living area and to my left was a little hallway that I can presume led to her room and bathroom. She also had a balcony/patio that looked over the city. It was gorgeous.

She had plenty of pretty decorations but not for Christmas since it was over but for winter. I twirled around and smiled. "This is so cute." I told her taking off my shoes. She did the same after closing the door behind her. "Do you want a change of clothes? I know we're the same size and I have a pair of pyjamas that would fit you."

I looked at her a little confused. "Pyjamas?" She giggled and blushed. "Yeah I thought maybe you'd like to stay over. Get away from all the drama at home for a bit. I saw your coming out video and I think you're so brave for doing so." She walked over and kissed me on the cheek.

"I would love to stay over." She squealed in response. "Wait I just thought of an idea. Would you like to go on a date with me?" Her eyes lit up with excitement and wonder I had to say yes. "Of course but where would we go?" I tilted my head with a playful little smile.

"On the patio. I have some fairy lights I could decorate it with and it's not that cold that we'll freeze to death we just need to dress a bit warmer."
"That sounds like a wonderful idea."
    "Great let's to get changed then." She grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room. It looks exactly like it does in her videos. But there was one thing I had never seen before. A poster of myself of a photo shoot I did two years ago during the My Everything era.

She saw me looking at it and started to blush intensely. "I totally forgot to take it down." I laughed. "No it's okay. It's not that weird. Doesn't it watch you get dressed though?" I turned to look at her and she blushed even more and shrugged.

My laugh was resonating off of her bedroom walls. I couldn't contain myself. "You're so cute!" I exclaimed. She pulled out a pink comfy sweater and some high waisted jeans. "Rummage through my closet. You can pick anything I don't mind. I'll go get changed in the bathroom and let you use my room. Come into the kitchen when you're dressed." She pecked my cheek and then scurried off.

I sat down on the bed just to soak this all in. She was the cutest thing ever. I smiled and laid down on her bed. I couldn't help it but I was really into Adeline and I hope she is too.

//AN// WOW
what an extra long chapter man I feel proud. This will probably be my last update until exams and school work dies down so please be patient ♡♡
Your support does mean a lot to me you're all so kind and sweet ahhh thank youuuuu
Also this was probably a more detailed chapter too and super cute if I do say so myself
Thank you I love you all xoxo Addy

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