Don't be messy, babygirl

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Adeline's POV

-Warning! Mature content. Viewer discretion is advised-

Cait was furious. Which was a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because really hot sex but a bad thing because she may not let me speak to Ari ever again. Ariana was a good friend of mine and Cait hardly becomes jealous or possessive unless she really feels like she has competition but she shouldn't since Ariana doesn't even like me in that way. At least I think she doesn't.

Cait and I reached her car and I put my bag in the back seat. "Ariana didn't mean any of it she just wanted an opini-" I was interrupted with Caits lips against mine. She pressed my body to hers and slowly inched her hand up my inner thigh. Her finger lightly traced my panties and I gripped her hair trying not to skirm so much.

Cait found the handle of the car door and opened it as she kissed my neck harshly and sat us inside so she was on top. Her teeth nipped at my neck as I squirmed at her touch underneath my skirt.

She pulled on the lever and pushed the car seat back so this was comfortable for the both of us. She unzipped the back of my skirt and pulled it off so I was only in my soaking wet pink panties. "Geez don't be so messy, babygirl." My stomach muscles clenched as she slid a finger inside and moved it up and down.

My teeth found my bottom lip and I bit down harshly as she added two more fingers without warning and picked up speed. She straddled my waist and started to kiss my jawline and up my neck until she reached my ear. "Who do you belong to?" I gasped as she found my g-spot rather quickly and I moaned out her name. "Good girl. Remember that."

She pulled out her fingers and licked them clean. "Lunch reservations?" Cait looked surprised like she almost forgot. "Oh right!" She got off of my lap and I pulled my skirt back on. We drove away from the mall but before we did I saw Ariana and Frankie standing outside the mall their mouths hanging open. Did Ari see what happened?

The look on her face made me think that she did and I felt guilty. Why did I feel guilty? I was with Cait and I wanted to be with her. Right?..

"Adeline?" I looked over at my girlfriend, my beautiful beautiful girlfriend but for some reason I didn't feel anything. I smiled at her and my phone buzzed. It was a text from Ari and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. No wait, a zoo.

Moonlight princess: I saw..
Me: How much?
Moonlight princess: Enough

I sighed and turned off my phone. We pulled up into the restaurants parking lot and she got out of the car. She walked over to my side and opened the door for me.

I sat there staring at my phone. It felt like I had cheated on her and she caught me but I wasn't with Ariana. Why did it feel like I was? "Babe you okay?" I nodded and slowly got out of the car.

"Come on I heard this place is great." My phone buzzed again indicating I had a new text. We walked inside and waited at the entrance for someone to come and seat us. I took this opportunity to see who texted me. It was Ari..

Moonlight princess: I'm sorry. If you're mad I understand. I didn't mean to get in between you and Cait. If you're happy than I'm happy.

But the thing is I wasn't happy. I didn't feel over the moon when I was with Cait. Maybe I'm with the wrong person. "Reservations for Cait?" The young male nodded and lead us towards a small room in the back where there was a table and small candles light around it.

A single rose stood in the middle of the table and twinkling lights hung around us. "Wow." I sat down and Cait sat across from me. "Do you like it?" The waiter poured us some wine and handed us menus. "I love it. But don't you think it's a little fancy for lunch?" Cait smiled. "It's a special occasion." I frowned. I wonder what she was talking about.

The waiter left us so we could decide on what we wanted. I went with a greek salad to start off with and Cait went for the soup du jour. The conversation between us was small since we were so hungry and spent most of the time stuffing our faces.

The waiter returned with two champagne glasses and I frowned. "We didn't order champagne." The waiter smiled at me and collected our dishes then left. Cait picked up her glass and motioned to pick up mine.

"To us." She clicked our glasses together and I took a sip. That is until something hit my lip. I set the glass down and looked inside. I gasped and pulled out an engagement ring. When I looked back up Cait was down on one knee.

"Adeline these past few days have been absolutely wonderful with you. Everyday I wake up and I'm so lucky that you're mine so I wanted to be able to wake up everyday for the rest of my life like that. You're so beautiful, sweet, kind, funny and just the best girlfriend I've ever been with and I know we dated in the past and I messed it up but I promise to keep you happy. So will you do the honours of being my wife?" The reflection of the candles shone in her eyes making this feel more surreal than it already did.

I stood up my chair skidding behind me and falling to the ground. "I-I'm sorry but I can't." I ran out of the restaurant not looking back because I didn't want to see the heartbroken look on her face as I said no.

//AN// GASP. cait proposed. I know I know big shocker. oh and if you didn't like the smut please let me know cause this is a girl on girl story so like it was bound to happen but hey I updated again lol go me. hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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