Ex's haunt like ghosts

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Adeline's POV

I was scream singing at the top of my lungs to Ari's song break free. Frankie and I are having so much fun right now I never want this to end. The boys were killing it on stage and so was Ariana as usual.

She finished the song and I cheered loudly. "Wow you guys are on fire tonight!" The crowd screamed in response to Ari and I screamed with them. "Now I have a little surprise for you all and you may know her from a certain YouTube channel." My heart suddenly started thundering in my chest and my palms were turning sweaty.

Ari walked over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me on stage. The spotlight was blinding me and the screams are ten times louder. I squeezed Ari's hand out of fear and she squezzed back. I relaxed a bit and awkwardly smiled and waved to the crowd. In response they cheered and I couldn't help but laugh.

Ari handed me her microphone and I took a deep breath. "Hi." The crowd screamed back a hello and I giggled. "You guys are so loud oh my god." Ari laughed with me and pulled me a tad closer. The audience awed and I could feel my cheeks heating up. Good thing they couldn't see.

"You've seen her YouTube videos right?" Ari smiled and another microphone was brought out. Um what. "You've seen her singing as well?" The screams echoed off of the arena walls and I squeezed Ari's hand again for comfort.

"So her and I we're going to do a cover of Tattooed heart because I saw her cover of this song and she killed it so why not a little more encouragement."

I took a deep breath and placed the microphone on the stand so I didn't have to hold it. The music started softly playing in the background and the crowd had pulled out their phones with their flashlights turned on and it was just a sea of lights. It was beautiful.

"You can join in whenever you want to." I heard Ariana whisper in my ear and I nodded, gripping the microphone stand. Then Ari started to sign. Her voice was soft and pretty I could hear myself humming along.

The crowd was still waving their arms in a slow synched motion and it took my breath away. So then when Ari reached the chorus I jumped in with a harmony and the crowd flipped but we didn't stop.

The second verse was coming so I decided to take over. As I sang softly I somehow found the courage to actually sing and I could feel myself putting my heart into this song because I was singing about Ari and everything I was saying I wanted her to know so then I took the microphone off of the stand, walked up to her so we were face to face and I grabbed her hand as I continued to sign.

The crowd was losing their minds as I serenaded Ariana in front of so many people but to me it just felt like the two of us.

The song came to an end and we got off the stage. My heart was still thumping in my chest and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. "That was amazing!" Ari squealed and pulled me into a tight hug.

I buried my face in her neck and out of an instinct, pressed my lips against her neck. We pulled away from each other quickly and Ari looked flustered. "I'm so sorry." I managed to stamer out. I started to back pedal until I ramed into a hard chest and nearly fell on my butt.

"Woah there!" An unfirmilliar pair of arms wrapped around me and helped me regain my balance. "Uh thanks." I looked around and noticed that Ari was no longer backstage with me. I saw her performing and I turned to face whoever had caught me. "Oh hey Scott." The backup dancer looked quite shocked and I realized that we met not too long ago. "You can tell Brian and I apart?" I laughed and nodded. "Yeah of course."

He smiled and bounced away like a little puppy. I took this opportunity to check on my phone and I had a missed call along with a voicemail from a number I never want to see again. It was Caits number.

Why did she call me? If I do remember clearly it was her who broke up with me and told me that I'd never hear from her again.

I sighed and listened to the voicemail. "Hi Addy, it's Cait but I bet you already knew that. Xian said you were at the party and so did Ade but I never saw you. Did you leave early after you knew I was there?" There was a long pause until she spoke up again. "I miss you. I miss us, let's get back together I was stupid to let you go. Please I love you." The voicemail ended and I sat down.

Cait still loved me. She still wanted me. I rubbed my temples to try and relive myself of this headache. Two weeks ago I would've taken her back in a heartbeat. But now that my feelings for Ariana are growing, the stuff that I used to feel for Cait aren't there anymore. Yet why do I still want to take her up on that offer?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing and indicating that the same number, the one who left me that voicemail, was calling. I took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hi Cait."

//AN// hi oh my god I am sosososososo sorry I've been really busy with school and work and the barn but hey I finally got a chapter done so yayy. so we get a deeper look into Addy about her and cait since it wasn't a subject I covered yet and next chapter will be a lot of Addy and cait and a lot of jealous Ari ;) ;) okayyy hope you enjoyed the chapter xox and PS sorry for the crappy chapter name I couldn't think of anything else

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