I prefer Grandes

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Adelines POV

It had been 3 days since Ari and I had first started dming each other. There was a lot of jokes between us already and she is so sweet. The other day we had made some plans to meet up at Starbucks. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to order or wait for her since we were meeting at 11 and I was at the Starbucks 10 minutes early.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the counter. "Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you?" I already knew what I wanted. "One pumpkin spice latte please." The barista nodded and grabbed a venti sized cup. "Oh, no I prefer grandes."

She nodded and grabbed a grande sized cup and I told her my name so she could write it down. I even had to spell it out for her since I hate having my name spelt wrongly.

I waited at the end of the counter for my really basic drink when I heard the door open. I was too busy sending a DM to Ari, letting her know that I had arrived to see who it was. The same barista spoke up again in that chirpy voice of hers. "Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?"

"Can I get a grande size of your cold brew please?" That girl sounded familiar as did her drink order. "One grande pumpkin spice latte for Adeline." The girl placed my drink on the little table and I thanked her before grabbing a sleeve.

The girl beside me was furiously texting to this boy named Ricki. "Boy troubles?" The girl stopped and turned to face me. When she looked at me I almost dropped my drink in my hand.

"One grande cold brew coffee for Ariana." My mouth fell open as did hers. I set my drink down and smiled. "Adeline?" her voice was soft but she sounded surprised. I nodded quickly and she giggled quietly before hugging me.

I'm. Hugging. Ariana. Grande! She smelled so good and she was so small. I was pretty short as well but this was the best hug I've ever had. We both pulled away before collecting our drinks and moving to a table in the back.

"I can't believe it's really you." She spoke quietly as we sat down. "Me? Please you're the famous one." She blushed furiously and took off her shades so that I could finally see her pretty brown eyes.

I held my coffee and took a small sip as she took a sip of hers. "So where do we start?" She gave me a kind smile and I couldn't help but think of one thing. "How did you find my YouTube video so quickly?" Her phone buzzed, a notification popping up on her screen but she turned her phone over so it wouldn't interrupt our conversation.

"It was your fans. They had shared the video and kept on tagging me so I had to check it out." I took another sip and saw some girls walking on the other side of the street. "I should really thank them." She nodded in agreement and for a while neither of us could think of something to say. So I took the opportunity to say something.
"I've loved your music for a long time. You're such a huge inspiration for me." She blushed softly and looked at her coffee as she mumbled a quiet thank you and we returned to silence with the occasional background noises of the baristas making coffee.

"I thought we'd have so much to talk about." Ari laughed softly and this time she looked out the window. I frowned and turned around and once again spotted those girls that seem to be looking for something. They got closer and Ari was collecting her phone and sunglasses. "Turn your head away." I frowned and looked at her. "Why?"

"I found them!" The screams outside quickly captured my attention and the both of us stood up quickly. "Run!" Ari shouted and grabbed my hand leading us to the back door while a giant crowd of screaming teenage girls chassed us.

We made it outside safely but a few had spotted us and made their way quickly. "This way." We took off taking many odd turns and shortcuts but we soon made it to a black car. The door opened and she hopped in pulling me with her.

"How did they find out?" Ari shook her head as we catched our breath. We weren't spotted when we got in the car so the fans were walking around again looking for us. "Next time have a better disguise." A snippy voice came from the front and Ari rolled her eyes. "Ricki, just drive."

Wait. Ricki as in her current boyfriend Ricki? This is awkward. "Oh yeah. Ricki meet Adeline. Adeline meet Ricki."
"It's nice to meet yo-" Ricki cut me off by blasting the music. Okay I'll take that as a sing that he doesn't want to talk.

Ari looked over at me and gave me a sympathetic smile as to say sorry for his behavior. She didn't have to apologize it was him being rude. We made it to her house safely in an awkward air with loud music blasting. We pulled up in the dribeway and I was in awe. Her house is huge. "Wow." In the corner of my eye I saw her look at me and smile. "Do you like it?"

My mouth was gaped open so I closed it to not look like an idiot. "Your house is amazing! I wonder what it looks like on the inside." I looked at her and she laughed. "Oh you'll see." She sent me a wink and I felt my cheeks heat up.

He parked the car and I got out slowly until I fully realized that I was at her house, her place all because of a little faith. And anything could happen at this point. I just wish I knew what was to come.

//AN// So this is a big step forward in the story and I'm so excited to keep writing I have much planned for them! Thank you all for the reads and story votes honestly means a lot. Next chapter is gonna be super fun!

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