Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm back everyone! If you're a fan of Harry Potter then go check out my story The Fugitive's Daughter! It's a Sirius Black's daughter fan fiction, so read if you dig it!


Harry sighed, looking at the body length mirror in front of him. It was the day of his graduation and he could have been more nervous. One, because he was getting his degree and two, because Louis would be giving it to him. He was already fully dressed, his outfit was amazing, thanks to the help of Zayn and as he put on his graduation cap, he smiled.

He was finally getting his degree with his best friend. He didn't even know what he was going to do once he got it. Probably get a decent job with a good pay, he thought fixing his robe for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Harry! Let's get going!" He heard Zayn yell from the living room and he quickly fixed his hair once more before grabbing his phone and wallet and shoving them into his pockets. He exited the room and stood in front of Zayn, taking deep breath.

"Nervous?" Zayn asked and Harry nodded sheepishly.

"A little." Zayn nodded in understanding and they both left their flat. Zayn locked the apartment door before they walked to the elevator.

"Don't be, mate." Zayn encouraged and they both reached the elevator. Zayn got in and pressed the button to the bottom floor. Harry tried to, but the memory of Louis' abs and his thick and muscular thighs made him think otherwise.

Stop it, Harry! Harry yelled at himself mentally, trying to get the image out of his head. But he knew it would never work, it was forever etched into his brain and keeps swinging back and forth in his head like a bloody pendulum. Harry sighed, leaning his head on the wall of the elevator.

"It's Louis, isn't it?" Zayn asked, smirking. Harry wanted to retort but the blush on his cheeks answered his question. Zayn cackled.

"Mate, you are so whipped." He said and Harry scoffed.

"No, I'm not." He said in a feeble attempt to get back his dignity. Zayn rolled his eyes, looking at Harry.

"Keep telling yourself that." Zayn sighed and Harry rolled his eyes. They reached the bottom floor and left it, heading towards Zayn's Jaguar XF. Harry took a seat at the passenger seat while Zayn took one at the driver's seat. Since the university wasn't that far away, it only took a few minutes to reach. There were many cars around the parking lot and it took a while to find a parking space.

When they did, they got out of the car, Harry gulping as the familiar nervousness started again in his stomach. He walked with Zayn to the field behind their school. It was already decorated with streamers and chairs. There was a big stage with a podium on the far right. Harry let out a shaky breath at how many people were there.

Parents were already there, taking pictures of their children with their friends and that made Harry feel left out and sad. His mum couldn't make it because she was on a business trip in San Diego. But Harry was expecting it, his mum never comes to any social event that Harry asks her too.

The same thing happened when Harry had asked her to his first football game when he was 8. Their team won and Harry watched as his teammates mum's came and congratulated them, kissing their cheeks, while Harry was staring, tears in his eyes. He's always been neglected by his mum, his dad was a completely different story though.

Robin, Harry's step-father, always showed Harry as much of love that he could give. Which was why Harry liked him so much. His mother could bother less about him. When he had came out as bisexual to his parents, Robin had accepted his with open arms, so did his sister, Gemma. But his mum had just left the room, leaving Harry crying in the arms of his step-father.

All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now