Chapter 26

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A/N: Hello my sexy ninja turtles. How ya doing?





Fuck you.



Harry sighed and sniffed a little before reaching out his hand and taking Louis's. (A/N: I've realized that I've been writing Louis' instead of Louis's which is wrong so I'm changing it). Harry smiled when Louis curled his fingers around his palm and gave him an encouraging look.

"I used to have a boyfriend. His name was Jeremy. We dated back in high school and I thought he was the one. The one I would spend my entire life with, the one who would go down on one knee and asked me to marry him, the one that I would share everything too. But it turned out that he wasn't.

He used to be the perfect boyfriend. Bought me roses and chocolates every time we went out on dates, kissed me goodbye at me front doorstep and yelled at anyone who made fun of me. I thought I found my happily ever after." Harry sniffed and shielded his face behind his long curls. Louis gave Harry's hand a reassuring squeeze. Harry took in another shaky breath and continued.

"It was 2 years after we've been dating. He started getting mad at me for the simplest things. If I accidentally bumped into him, he'll yell at me to watch where I was going. If I didn't show up to his house on time, he would call me a whore and yell at me, asking if I was-" Harry sucked in a breath, his eyes stinging. He wiped them before continuing.

"If I was whoring around with somebody else. If I was- no. After that he started h-hitting me. It was just one slap at the time because I broke a plate. He apologized and cried a little and I forgave him. Call me stupid but I wanted my happy ending. I wanted him. I loved him.

After that he went back to being the boy I loved, only getting mad at me occasionally. Then one day, it all went to Hell. Niall and I were celebrating my 16 birthday in a bar and there was this older guy hitting on me.

I told him that I wasn't interested and left the bar with Ni. Turns out that Jeremy was also at the bar and texted me to come to his flat. I headed over and saw him smoking. He never smoked.

"He punched me, slapped me. Yelling at me because he thought I was the one hitting on the other guy. He hurt me and r-r-" Harry couldn't force the words out as he shook his head, crying. Louis snapped and headed over to Harry, pulling the younger boy to his chest, holding his hand and craddling him.

"You don't have to-" Louis began to say but Harry shook his head.

"You have to know." He whispered. Louis nodded and kissed Harry for reassurance.

"He raped me-" Harry was borderline sobbing by now. Louis tensed around him, his jaw clenching.

"T-then, he threw me in-inside his closet and-and burned me with his ci-ciggarette." Harry sobbed into Louis's chest, gripping his shirt so tight that his knuckles were white. Louis shushed the brunette, kissing him on his forehead.

"He left me in that closet for days. Only coming in to give me food. My parents and friends texted me but he responded and told them I was staying with him for the week. And they believed him. Because they didn't know the monster he really was.

It took Niall's suspicion that came and found me. He knocked Jeremy out cold when he found me after Jeremy came back home. We escaped and he wanted me to call the police but I didn't. He was crazy but I didn't want to see him in jail." Harry whimpers. Louis nods, wanting to beat the fucker up for hurting his Harry. His Harry.

Louis felt angry. No screw that- he was livid.

"I was depressed and had anxiety for over 5 years. Ever since that thing happened. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Harry whimpers into Louis's chest. Louis shook his head and said, "Haz, baby I-" Louis was at a loss for words.

"You didn't have to tell me all of this. Trust me, if I were you I wouldn't have either. I'm so happy that you care for me this much that you'll tell me you know? And I'm terminating our contract. I don't want to be your dominant, I want to be your Louis." Louis said, shocking both himself and Harry. Why the fuck did he just say that!? Suddenly, Louis was struck with the urge to tell him something that was buried in his past for so long. But could he?

But one look at Harry's face was enough to make him see reason. This was going to be tough for Louis. He has never known anything outside his life of BDSM, but he was willing to let it go. Letting it all go. For Harry.

"I- Can you wait a minute, please?" Louis took a deep breath, trying to figure out a way as to how he was going to tell Harry what he had been avoiding talking about with anybody in particular.

"I was bullied when I was in high school. The kids there would beat me up and throw me in a garbage bin because I was the nerdiest one in the school. It got so bad I had to change schools several times because of it. I never caught a break. They spray painted my locker, pushed me down a flight of stairs whenever they got the chance, dunked my head down a toilet bowl. 

I didn't date anyone after I moved to London from Doncaster. The last person I was romantically involved with was a girl named Hannah when I was 15. She got bullied because she dated me, not from anything else. She broke up with me because of it, too. I never dated anyone after that. I got into BDSM after I graduated high school because of a friend of mine back in my hometown who introduced me to it. It was some sort of release, you know? I could play all I want, no strings attached. You're the first person that changed my mind about it, Harry.

The reason why I'm telling you this is because I don't want there to be any secrets between us. You told me everything about your past and the least I can do is return the favor." In that moment, after nearly collapsing in every sentence Louis had said before when he confessed his past to Harry, Louis felt tranquil. It had been so.. long. Since he had opened up to anybody like this. And it felt so refreshing talking to someone who you know undoubtedly cares. 

"Louis.." Harry responded, his voice cracking. Louis pressed his lips onto Harry's silently, wanting nothing but to feel Harry's presence. There was nothing to be said, Louis just needed Harry to know.


A/N: Well my baby boy grew up so fast I'm like 😭😭 But anyways, I want you dissapointed BDSM Larry lovers to know something.

Everything is not what it seems...

QOTD: I love you guys so please don't be a silent reader. I wanna get to know my readers, not just get more comments.


All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now