Chapter 24

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A/N: Hello. It's me.


Louis was scared. Was very very scared. As soon as Harry was about to hit the floor, Louis caught him in his arms. He frantically tried to wake him up, Louis' insides burning with with something he was so foreign with now: Fear.

He felt it coarse through his entire being. Mind, soul and body. And it wasn't pleasant. Louis felt as though he was going to explode.

"Harry? Harry?" Louis cried out hysterically as he set Harry down on the floor. Harry's breathing was labored which nearly made Louis hyperventilate.

"Harry, come on, baby. Wake up." Louis said, worry and nervousness etching onto his voice, as if Harry was playing dead.

He shook Harry's shoulders but got no response. No no no no. Louis gulped, shaking all over. His fingers, body and voice trembled as he yelled for help, wishing and praying that somebody would hear him. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. All he could think of was what in the Hell happened to Harry?

Louis could feel his nose getting stuffy and his eyes stung. He felt like it was slow motion. One tear fell off of his eye and landed on Harry's cheek. Louis gaped.

No. He hasn't cried since-

"What's the matter, sir?" Another voice asked him. Louis looked at the man, an employee by the looks of it, and spoke.

His voice was so shaky as he said, "M-my boyfriend. He just f-fainted. Please, get help!" Louis pleaded as he turned back to Harry's lifeless frame and buried his face into his neck. Louis heard a faint pulse.

"Please my baby. Please, please, please." Louis pleaded in a whisper. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think properly. He could hear the faint deafening sound of ambulance sirens from the window and just prayed that Harry would wake up.


Louis stayed in the hospital, just holding onto what little hope he had left as the doctor that was checking on Harry came out the door. Louis got up from the plastic chair that he had to sit on and headed to the doctor.

"He's fainted from shock it seems, Mr. Tomlinson. But he's in a critical condition. Due to the fact he has severe depression and anxiety-" Louis stopped breathing. He wondered for a second if he heard wrong? He must have.

"What?" Louis breathed out.

"Oh, you didn't know? Mr. Styles has had depression and anxiety for quite some time now, judging from his medical records. About 5 years if I'm not mistaken." Louis felt a lump in his throat.

"I need to see him." Louis croaked out, not knowing how to feel at the moment.

"By all means. He's in Room 45." The doctor gestured to the door at the far right corner. Louis nodded stiffly, heading over there.

Nothing could have prepared him for the sight he was going to see. Harry almost looked lifeless. Hooked up to wires and tubes. There was the steady rise and fall of his chest and heart monitor beeping next to him. Louis couldn't move.

That Harry on the bed couldn't be his Harry. No. His Harry had color to his cheeks and beautiful green eyes. This Harry looked pale and his eyes were shut. Louis walked slowly, forcing himself to move his legs, which began to feel like lead.

"..Baby?" Louis whispered. He collapsed into the visitors chair next to Harry, his mind not catching up with what was happening. Louis reached out his shaking hand to intertwine them with Harry's, wincing at how cold they feel. Definitely not his Harry. His Harry's hand was warm and soft.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asked as he lied his head beside Harry. Why didn't he?


A/N: Okay I realize this is so so so short than what I normally do but how about this? I write Short chappies and update frequently or Long chapters and update once a week? Leave your thoughts!

QOTD: Since when hasn't Louis cried?

All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now