Chapter 23

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A/N: I WATCHED DEADPOOL. RYAN REYNOLD'S BUTT IN SPANDEX WAS BEAUTIFUL. But all in all, the movie was amazing and it deserved all the awards it's got.

Today's daily dose of a music video is *drum roll* Thank You by MKTO!


Louis sighed happily, wrapping his arms around Harry as Harry nuzzled his head into Louis' bare chest. He didnt know why, but with Harry in his arms, his brown hair tickling his face, felt amazing. Louis felt like he could protect Harry from everybody if only he was in his arms.

The room phone rang, breaking the comfortable silence around them. Louis reached over, an arm still on Harry and answered it.

"Puerto Rico port reached, Sir." Jet said and Louis replied with an 'okay' before hanging up. He turned to Harry, a smile on his face.

"Get ready. We're at Puerto Rico."


Louis led Harry out of the cruise ship to the dock of Puerto Rico, with his eyes trailing appreciatively over Harry's white tank top and yellow shorts. Goddamn tight yellow shorts. Louis almost didn't want Harry to wear them because he didn't want them to see what was his. Only his. Louis grabbed pair of Armani sunglasses for both him and Harry and handed Harry one. Harry smiled in thanks as he placed it on his face and Louis had to admit that Harry looked smoking hot in them.

"C'mon now love." Louis said as he placed both of his hands on Harry's waist and steered him out of the cruise ship gently. The first thing that greeted him was the blinding Sun and the second thing was the smell of the ocean. Harry turned top give him a bright smile, teeth and all and Louis felt himself smile back, no matter how much his mind warned him not to.

Harry moved on towards the deck of the port and smiled up at the blazing hour Sun. In the UK, everything was damp and humid but here, it felt like a tropical paradise. Puerto Rico was tropical. Louis was paradise.

They both got into a taxi and Louis asked for the best hotel at Puerto Rico. The driver responded with a cheery 'I'll take you to the best there is' and began driving. To be honest, Louis was happy with the drivers response. He likes positive attitude. Harry leaned into Louis' chest and Louis played with Harry's long fingers. He twisted and three them with his own.

Harry had a dreamy smile on his face, brushing back his curls and snuggling into Louis. The taxi came to a stop and Louis looked up to see a very prestigious looking hotel. He thanked and paid the driver, getting both his and Harry's bags out of the trunk and handed them to the bell boy that quickly came to assist them.

Harry looked at Louis- like really looked at him. Louis was a picture of poise and authority radiated off of him. Even the bell boy didn't make eye contact with him.

His eyes were covered with his sunglasses, and the slight stubble on his face was hot and sexy with his sharp jawline. And Harry felt arousal stir in his stomach. They both walked into the hotel and Louis booked the penthouse, handing over his platinum credit card without a care. Harry felt guilty, Louis spending do much.

Harry felt Louis guide him to the elevators and the arousal doubled in the small compartment. Something about bring in an elevator with Louis made Harry rock hard. Harry looked down anxiously, biting his lip to prevent him from jumping on Louis' and begging him to fuck him senseless.

Harry risked a peek from under his curls and gasped when he found Louis staring at him with his intense blue eyes. There wasn't anybody in the elevator. Harry gulped lightly as Louis came forward slowly to him. He took a step back every time Louis took a step forward. Harry was trapped behind a wall as Louis ducked his head into the crook of Harry's neck and began slightly sucking at the soft supple skin. Harry moaned lightly and threw his head back, allowing Louis to roam his neck. Harry's eyelids felt heavy and he closed them in daze.

Louis brought his lips to Harry's jaw and bit there lightly, making Harry gasp lightly. The elevator suddenly dinged and Louis broke apart from Harry in a flash and to his side, not a hair out of place.

Harry groaned and buried his face into Louis' chest, cursing.


It wasn't Louis who called.

No. Nonononononono. Harry's eyes snapped open as he felt his heart beating a kilometre a second. There is no possible way that it's him. Harry's body went rigid and he felt as if his body was made of lead. Every breath hurt now, his chest constricting from the burning gaze he was giving him. No, it's not him.

"Harry Styles?" It was the same voice. The same voice that haunted every dream of Harry's. Harry felt himself panic, Louis couldn't know about him. Louis wouldn't see Harry ever again. Harry felt his breathing escalate. Panic attack.

"Turn around, Harry. I know it's you." So teasing, that Harry would have turned around if he didn't know what he was capable of.

Why? Why did he have to come ruin his life when he finally found a shred of happiness? Harry felt tears stinging his eyes, his hands balling into Louis' shirt in an effort to control his emotions. Why did he have to come back and ruin Harry's life again? After so long?

Harry let out a deep breath. The elevator dinged at the penthouse floor. Harry summoned up whatever courage he had inside of him and turned around, leaving the elevator.

But before he did, he caught a tiny unwanted glimpse at him. It was the same black hair, same brown eyes, same dangerous smirk.


Harry couldn't breathe, he felt black spots dance around his vision.

Everything went black.


A/N: Plot twist wohoo. Things get interesting from here on out. No more fluff until a few more chapters. IM SORRYY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER I KNOW BUT I WAS SO BRAIN DEAD AND HAD WRITERS BLOCK. JEREMY WASN'T SUPPOSED TO COME UNTIL A FEW MORE CHAPTERS LATER BUT I'M SORRY.

QOTD: Jeremy's back. What do you think?

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