Chapter 27

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A/N: So.. Nobody had any questions and its been weeks since I updated because I was so excited to finally have some questions to answer and guess what's the downside? I didn't get any questions.

To be honest I'm kinda sad because people read that part but they didn't leave a single question, but that's okay! The question area is still open until I get a few questions on the characters, so if you want to ask some questions, PLEASE DO!


Harry gaped at Louis with his mouth parted. No way. He was hearing everything wrong. Harry looked at Louis to see him tense, eyes cast towards him in a stern stare, as if he was waiting for something. But there was something else too...

Vulnerability shown within the depths of his blue eyes and it made Harry's heart explode, melt, combust and beat erratically.

"Fuck- Louis I-" Harry couldn't find a way to express how he was feeling then. He could only surge forward and hold Louis in his arms for all he was worth. He could feel Louis go tense underneath his hold but he relaxed soon enough and hugged Harry back.

Louis was torn. He didn't understand why he did what he did, and he wanted to feel guilty but he didn't. He felt- happy. That Harry was happy.

"Lie down love. Don't hurt yourself." Louis says softly as he sets Harry down on the bed carefully. All he could think about was how he had acted when Harry had fainted. He went- well bat shit insane- to put it lightly. He hasn't felt like that since.. well a long time ago.

"Rest now, angel. I'll be here when you wake up."

Angel. Louis thinks it over. He turns over to see Harry's soft eyes and face. It was perfect.


"Lou?" Harry says groggily as he woke up from his nap, cracking open. His hand was on a warm, tone chest and he smiled when he saw Louis sleeping beside him. He looked so peaceful and innocent when he slept, Harry realized.

Louis's arm was lying in between the area of Harry's neck and Harry realized that Louis was hugging him in his sleep, his arm hooked around the back of Harry's neck and stopping at his shoulder, cuddling him in close. 

Their faces were so close together that Harry felt rather blushy, even if Louis wasn't even awake. His hand left Louis's exposed chest and to trace the older man's face. Harry starts at Louis's forehead, just lightly brushing his fingertips before they traced around Louis's curved eyebrows.

Harry's heart gave a jolt as he remembered the eyebrows on the swallows on his chest. The paper airplane necklace was still around his neck, and Harry bit his lip to hold back a smile at the thought of it.

His fingers then brushed over very carefully over Louis's eyelashes, admiring the longer length than normal and then, to his button nose. Harry sucked in a breath as he traced his fingers over Louis's soft and smooth cheeks. Then to his thin, pink lips.

His lips were very slightly parted but there was no sound coming out of it. But Louis's relaxed eyelids and the rhythmic rise and falls of his chest was ensuring Harry that he was asleep.

When Louis cuddled Harry in closer, Harry was hit by something so hard it could be equivalent to a tornado. Harry's breathing got hitched and his heartbeat went much faster, his fingers shaking when he cups Louis's jaw softly and whispered,
"I love you."

He knew it already. He knew that he was in love with Louis before. But it didn't hit him until now. Until after Louis gave up his lifestyle for him. And now, all Harry could think about the love he was feeling. The expanding of his chest and the feeling of pressure in his heart, his brain turning to mush in the best possible way and the tingly feeling from the tip of his hairline right down to his toes.

"I love you so much." Harry whispered, awe in his voice. It wasn't even like this with Jeremy. Jeremy made him feel happy when they dated. But Louis can make him ecstatic when he's so much as near him.

Minutes past and Harry doesn't know how long he was lying there, soaring in the feeling of being in love, before Louis started to wake up.

Harry memorised the details. First, Louis would furrow his eyebrows and his eyes would twitch. Then, he cracks open his eyes and stretches, yawning and scratching the back of his neck.

"Good- evening." Louis says as he gets back under the covers and makes himself comfortable. The sun was just beginning to set. Harry chuckled and grinned when a tone and warm arm wraps around his waist, pulling him in closer so their noses were barely brushing.

"Good evening to you too." Harry says as his hand cups around Louis's neck and strokes the supple skin there.

"Sleep well?" Louis asks and Harry nodded, his headache was much better now after the sleep he had.

Louis leans down to peck Harry's lips and naturally, the peck turned into a snog. But their heads were still on the pillows, both of them too tired to move their bodies anyways. Just as Harry was beginning to get hard, Louis pulled away from a knock at the door.

Louis's lips were a delicious red color from when Harry was sucking them earlier and he was breathing hard. Harry groaned when Louis left him to go get the door and Louis gave him an apologetic glance before answering the door.

Who the Hell was disturbing them at this time? Seriously, Harry should ask Louis to put a a sock on the doorknob next time.



A/N: Fuck I'm so tired its not even funny. Gotta sleep bubbas I love you guys and I'm sorry for the late chapter.

QOTD: (Obvious answer but) Who do you think was at the door?

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