Chapter 14

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A/N: I am Not crying. I just have a bug in my eye. The video didn't make me cry At All. It was just a bug.

Anyways, there's a little bit more drama here soooooo


Harry couldn't breathe. He was just too happy that he couldn't literally breathe. Robin hugged his son tightly, not letting go until Harry did.

"I missed you guys so much." Harry whispered, his eyes welling up. He turned to his mother, unsure yet wary. But Anne wasn't looking at him, she was looking at Louis as if she hit the jackpot.

Harry's eyes narrowed a little as he cleared his throat to make his presence known to his mother. Anne glanced at him, gave him a very wide fake smile and hugged him briefly before continuing her staring at Louis.

What was going on?

Louis had began talking to the unknown man and woman while the kids, Harry's assuming the man's and woman's children, were running around. A young girl, who looked about 14 or 15, approached him with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Lottie. Lottie Tomlinson. That oaf's-" she gestured to Louis "little sister." Harry returned her smile as he shook her hand. Lottie seemed older than all the younger kids so Harry took it that she was the oldest of the bunch.

"I'm Harry. Your brother's um-" Harry broke off, not sure of what he and Louis were. Louis had never made it official that they were dating. They had only ever been on one date, did that make them boyfriends? Or was Harry just wishful thinking?

"Undetermined?" Lottie guessed and Harry nodded, a little bit embarrassed.

"We went on a date but that's it." Harry said, his head dropping down to look at the ceramic tiles.
"Wait- you went on a date?" Lottie seemed very shocked about this, her mouth dropping. Harry's eyebrows furrowed slightly, not getting why Lottie seemed so appalled by this.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Harry asked. Lottie shook her head and took Harry to the other side of the office, making sure that nobody was in earshot of them.

"He never takes people out on dates. Never before actually. Not even when he was younger." Lottie's words were rushed and she kept taking nervous looks at Louis, as if afraid that he'll hear them.

"Why not?" Harry found himself asking.

"Well, his high school life wasn't all hearts and flowers from what I could remember my mother saying. He used to be-" Lottie's words cut off as her older brother approached them, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist.

"I see you've met Harry." Louis said to Lottie with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I did." Lottie answered back and it was clear that she was feeling guilty about something, Harry could tell. Harry was good at reading emotions, even if someone doesn't show it. Lottie shot Harry a worried glance, as of asking if Harry was going to tell Louis what Lottie said to him. Harry gave Lottie a microscopic shake of his head and Lottie visibly relaxed, smirking at Louis lightly.

"Well I've seen that you've gotten yourself a cute one. Dimples to match." Lottie teased and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. You're just jealous." Louis teased back and Harry blushed slightly, looking at Louis interestingly. Louis was different around his family, more younger, more free. Lottie laughed as she placed a kiss to her brothers cheek, gave Harry a wink and left them to converse with Niall.

Louis turned towards Harry, a light smile on his face.

"So, you happy?" Louis asked and Harry nodded vigorously, placing a light kiss to Louis' lips.

"More than happy." Harry said as he hugged Louis for the second time.

"How did you get in touch with mine and Niall's family anyways?" Harry asked curiously.

"I asked Zayn for your parent's contact and asked them to come over to London, turns out that Niall's family was in Cheshire too so I invented them along." Louis explained and Harry placed another kiss on Louis' lips. Harry felt as if he was the goddamn luckiest guy on the planet to have Louis, and not for the money, but for how thoughtful and kind Louis was. Harry could never find anybody else that was as sweet as Louis was. Ever.

Louis' blue eyes looked into Harry's green ones as he caught Harry's lips in a passionate kiss.

And with no hesitation whatsoever, Harry felt himself falling.


"I want to get a tattoo." Harry said to Niall abruptly. They were in the living room of Harry's and Zayn's flat Manchester (which he left to get groceries) a week after Harry's birthday. Niall had decided on staying in Manchester, and since the flat had a spare bedroom, Niall moved in.

Niall's things were still in Ireland but after his and Harry's parents left 3 days after Harry's birthday, Maura (Niall's mum) had shipped all his things to Manchester after Niall told him his decision of staying.

Maura and Bobby were supportive as they hugged their son goodbye the day they left in a private jet (courtesy of Louis) and told him that they'd be sending Niall's things on.

It has now been officially 4 days since Niall moved in and he's managed to make himself at home. As for Harry's parents, they couldn't stop hugging Harry, with the exception of Harry's mum, goodbye and Harry promised them that he'll visit as soon as he can. Harry still didn't know what was the deal with his mother and Louis but he chose to ignore it.

"Why?" Niall asked as he stuffed his face with chips. Harry rolled his eyes. It wasn't as if he was new to getting a tattoo. He had plenty of them littered on his left arm and a few on his right and one on his stomach.

"Cause' I want to." Harry said and Niall gave out a sigh, not wanting to get out of the couch. What? It was comfy. Harry wasn't having any of it as he practically dragged Niall to his bedroom to get dressed. Harry wore black skinny jeans and a blue button up and exited his room. Niall was dressed in a white tee and plain blue jeans as Harry waited for him to get out of his room.

"Lets get this over with." Niall sighed and both of them left the flat and to the nearest tattoo parlour in Harry's beat down Honda.

"You have a Billionaire for a boyfriend. Can't he get you a better car?" Niall groaned as the heat overwhelmed him. There wasn't any air conditioning either, it was broken too.

"I don't like him for his money Ni. I actually like him." Harry scoffed as be stopped outside 'Black Ink' and got inside, Niall on his heels, sighing happily because of the air conditioning.

Harry was talking with the tattoo artist at the cash register. He had tattoos all over his boy and a hell lot of piercings but had warm blue eyes that cracked his bad boy demeanor. He looked about 20 or 21 at the youngest.

"Hey, I'm Harry. I want to get a tattoo." Harry said and the boy smiled a little before nodding.

"Sure, I'm free. Hey, Austin!" The boy yelled and a whole layer, a boy with equal amount as tattoos as the one sitting before Harry.

"Cover for me, babe." The boy said to Austin as he pressed a kiss to Austin's cheek. Harry felt himself smile a little at how cute they looked.

"Kay." Austin said as the boy ped Harry to a back door which Harry guessed was where they did the tattoos. He was right as the room had a lie down chair and a rack full of tattoo guns and ink and all the other stuff that Harry had no idea about.

"So what do you have in mind?" The boy asked Harry.

"I was thinking about two swallows on my chest. But here's the thing, I want them to have eyebrows..."


A/N: Sooooooooo, how was that. I did this when I was in the toilet so I doubt that it was good. Lol. Jk.

QOTD: What do you think" is the deal with Harry's mum?

All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now