Chapter 12

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A/N: Guess who's back back back back again again again. I swear I use that intro way too many times.

Louis groaned as his alarm clock started blaring. The sound multiplied in his ears as he searched blindly for the clock, his arm swinging around before slamming on top of the small device.

Louis got up. Sent a silent curse for whoever invented alarm clocks. And walked sluggishly to the his bathroom, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Which actually resulted in making him even more tired.

He was only wearing his boxers, as usual as he stripped down from it and turned his shower on, setting in on hot. Louis shivered at the cold tiles and air.

The hot water felt like Heaven on his back as he sighed running his vanilla flavored soap over his body and rinsing off. He lathered his hair with shampoo and brushed his teeth.

Louis finished his shower quickly and wrapped a green fluffy towel around his waist from the towel rack. He sighed, thinking about how much work that had to be done when he got to his office. How many people that needed to ask him everything about what to do.

"Stupid amateurs." Louis grumbled to himself as he blow dried his hair and combed it to one side. His hair was getting long, he needed to get a cut.

He walked out of his bathroom to his walk in closet, picking out a black dress shirt and blazer. He got his usual cufflinks and shoes, polished to perfection. Nothing grand as how people would expect a billionaire would be, but more on the down low. Louis didn't like attention to be honest. It was tiring.

He got out a Seiko watch and wore it on his left wrist, walking out of his closet and down the stairs to see his personal chef, Alex Kesh, a 45 year old man who had two daughters and a divorced wife, making him a batch of fresh pancakes. Louis didn't know what he would do without Alex. He checked the time, the maids would be here to clean the house at 7.

"Thanks, Alex." Louis said as he took a seat on the glass dining table and dove straight to his pancakes. They were delicious, as usual.

"Thank you, Sir. Tea?" Alex responded and Louis nodded.

"As always." Louis said as Alex got to work on Louis' tea. Black, weak, no sugar. Louis let his mind drift off to last night as he felt a smile twitch at his lips. He wondered if Harry was awake now and checked his phone which he took before going downstairs.

He called Harry, a little bit worried if the younger boy was asleep and Louis would wake him. The line got picked up after two rings.

"Hello?" Louis heard a groggy voice and he took a sharp intake of breath of how husky Harry's morning voice was. God it was too early for this.

"Sorry did I wake you?" Louis asked.

"No, actually. I'm going job hunting. Just woke up." Harry said and Louis chuckled slightly at the yawn Harry let out after.

"Where were you thinking?" Louis asked.

"Nothing actually. I've never really given it much thought. But I did apply a teaching application to a private school in London a few weeks ago." Harry told him and Louis arched an eyebrow.

"Which school?" Louis asked as Alex placed his tea in front of him.

"St. Anderson's." Harry replied and Louis smirked. Perfect.

"Then I'd have you know that the school is actually mine." Louis said and he swore he could hear Harry's breathing hitch from over the phone.

"O-Oh." Harry breathed out and Louis smiled wider, chuckling.

"Hope you get the job, Mr. Styles. Say you like fishing, the principal loves fishing. You'll get assigned, no questions asked." Louis teased and Harry have a out a laugh.

"I hope I do, Mr. Tomlinson. Now, I have to take a shower before I'm late for my interview." Harry said and Louis smiled before replying.

"Okay. Come to my office after the interview. You know how to get there right?" Louis said.

"I do. Bye Lou." Harry said before hanging up.


The interview went well. Harry got accepted as the new English teacher the moment he mentioned that he liked fishing to Mr. Timothy. Thank Louis for that. Harry was beaming as he left the principal's office, his new class schedule in his hand and a skip in his step.

The younger lad drove over to Louis' workplace in half an hour because of traffic. He walked straight up to the receptionists desk and said in a firm voice,

"I need to speak to Louis Tomlinson." The attendant, who Harry recognized as Blondie Number 1 who'd been rude to him the first time he was here, gave him a once over before snorting.

She picked up a phone, no doubt calling Louis, to make sure that Harry was welcomed. Her demeanor changed drastically as she smirked at Harry, giving him a look as she placed the phone down. The look was one of knowing and she looked smug about something, which did not set well in Harry's stomach.

Blondie guided him to the elevator and pressed the button to the top most floor, Louis' office. Harry felt his stomach flip nervously as the doors to the elevator door opened. He walked out and towards Louis' office door. He knew the routine. Harry knocked twice and heard a muffled 'come in'. He twisted the cold door knob and walked inside.

"Happy birthday, Harry." He heard Louis wish him and a smile broke out his face as he looked up. Harry gasped when he saw a small chocolate cake in Louis' hand with lit candles.

Harry shakily placed all of his stuff on the couch Louis had in his office and walked towards him.

Louis placed the cake on his desk as he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him closer to where Louis was leaning on the desk. Harry could feel his breathing falter as Louis placed a soft kiss on his neck slowly.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Harry. Happy birthday to you." Louis sang softy under his breath as he dragged his lips up and down Harry's neck slowly and softly, his hands going to Harry's lower waist.

In a second, Louis had Harry sitting on his desk, Louis in between Harry's legs as he began kissing him hungrily. Louis broke the kiss as looked into Harry's eyes lustfully.

Oh, Harry was fucked.



All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now