Chapter 19

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Secret Love Song by Little Mix and Jason Derulo is bred and made for Larry.


Louis was excited for this trip, no scratch that, he was fucking ecstatic. A chance to cruise on a yacht with his hot sub on one of his favorite places in the world that he had dreamed of going to ever since he was younger almost felt like a dream. But here he was, calling his yacht captain and crew, telling them to get ready for a trip to the Caribbean for 2 weeks.

God, was he excited. He had never been to the Caribbean before and a chance to experience it with Harry was just icing on the cake.

"So?" Louis dragged, a wide smile on his face.

"I WOULD LOVE TO." Harry yelled through the phone and Louis laughed at that, his blue eyes wrinkling at the corners from how much he was smiling.

"We leave tomorrow, 9 am sharp. I'll come and pick you up yeah?" Louis asked as he filed in some documents in his office.

"Sure! Oh my God, you have no idea how excited I am!" Harry exclaimed and Louis chuckled at Harry's squeaky voice.

"I am too. The Caribbean is actually one of the few places of which I haven't visited yet." Louis shared.

"God, thank you so much Lou." Harry said and Louis was filled with a foreign feeling. Lou. Harry had only used that name once on Louis and after such a long time, Louis felt warm hearing that from Harry's lips. He felt- whole.

"You're welcome, baby."


Harry couldn't stop shaking and squealing the rest of the day in the flat. Zayn and Niall particularly found it annoying but they couldn't help smiling when Harry broke out into dance at random moments.

"WE'RE GOING TO THE CARIBBEAN. THE CARIBBEAN, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?" Harry belted out when Niall was making a chicken pot pie, carefully following the instructions of Anna Olson on his phone.

"Fuck, Harry! You nearly made me add more than 3 ounces of seasoning, you little twerp." Niall exclaimed. Harry however, too in a dream like state to listen to Niall's complains, just sighed and leaned his head on Niall's shoulder, unaware that Niall was giving him a deadpan look.

"I'm going to one of my favorite places in the world with the hottest guy in the world. Jesus is shining his light on me today." Harry giggled as he skipped off to bug Zayn.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Zayn bellowed a few moments later and Niall chuckled. But it was like there was a shield around Harry and all the yells just bounced off of it.

He was just that happy.


Louis woke up at 5 am the next day, wanting to make sure that they got to Poplar Dock Marina on time. PDM was a docking place in London that holds one of Louis's most favorite yacht that he owns. Riptide.

Riptide was a beauty in itself. All white, sleek and modern with sliding window doors all around the place. (A/N: Please look at the picture above!) The nose of the ship had a sight seeing place with a few cushions around it. The back of it had four layers to it, top to bottom like a staircase. The first layer was also a watching area, the second lead into the middle of the yacht where the accommodations are. The third layer was a jacuzzi and the fourth was a place to get the speedboats, jet skis and surfboards out and into the ocean. The middle, which took most out of the yacht, was the place for sleeping, cooking and all the other things one needs for surviving. It was like a floating hotel room that could fit only Louis and whoever he brought.

All in all, Riptide was Louis' pride and love. And it has been a long time since Louis had taken Riptide out in the ocean so he knew that he wouldn't regret this one bit, which was why he was so excited. Spending some quality time with Harry and his beautiful yacht was just like hitting two birds with one stone.

Yes, he was a genius.

Louis smiled as he took a shower. He smiled when he was eating his early breakfast. He smiled when Alex asked him whether he he was going insane. Louis felt like there was some impenetrable wall was around him and nothing could break it down.

He had his crew telling him that the weather statistics were perfect. He had his beautiful yacht ready for take off in the next few hours. And he had his gorgeous Harry on the yacht with him. He has a premium ticket to Heaven already.

"Bye, Alex!" Louis yelled before grabbing his bags and walking into the still dark and chilly morning. Terence, his driver, nodded at him with a smile at Louis' happy expression and started up the car after helping Louis with his bags into the trunk of the car.

Terence liked Louis. Louis wasn't like any of the other CEO's Terence had worked for. The rest of them were cocky and rude, treating everything and everyone as if it were below them. Some of them even demanded for gold plated toilets and rhinestone encrusted bathtubs.

But Louis wasn't like them, he was more on a homey side and he treated every one of his personal workers like family. Sure, the lad did have 10 mansions on the global hotspots around the world, but who wouldn't when they were the richest bachelor in all of the UK?

What Terence liked about Louis most was that he was a modest person. He didn't brag or show off to anyone about how much money he has, Louis avoided business partners like that like the plague. Louis was just a person living his dream. Sometimes, when Louis was not handing Terence his paycheck, he felt like Louis' uncle. Louis treated him that way.

"All packed, Louis?" Terence only called Louis 'sir' when they were in public. It goes with being professional.

"Yup." Louis voiced out.

"Toothbrush?" Louis hated changing toothbrushes. He prefers his one and only his than changing it all the time, Terence had picked that up over the years



"On board."


"Also on board."

"Extra underwear?" Terence joked and Louis scoffed at him.

"Those were the first things I packed."


A/N: Basically just a filler chapter but you won't be disappointed in the next one of you get what I mean ;) wink wink.

QOTD: Are you a

Harry girl

Niall girl

Liam girl

Or Louis girl

All String Attached // Larry Stylinson (Mild BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now