Part 1

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"Jack! Wake up! You have school in an hour!" My mother called. I groaned. We moved to America about two weeks ago. My father was offered a job here and my mom wanted a fresh start. So good bye Ireland and hello America!
I slid out of my warm, green blanket and shivered as my feet met the cool floor.
I walked over to my closet and started browsing through my cloths. I ended up wearing skinny blue jeans, a plain white shirt and a light gray hoodie. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair, styling it up slightly before putting on a beanie. I walked down stairs and put two sliced of bread in the oven. I made myself some tea and joined my mother at the table. My dad already left for work. She smiled at me and took a sip of her beverage.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"Excited and nervous." I said with a smile as I sipped my tea.
"You will do fine." She said giving me a peck on the cheek as I slid on my green back pack. I told her good bye and walked to my bus stop. It was about 5 minutes away from my house. I was the only one so I plugged in my headphones and waited, dancing ever so slightly to the beat of my music. My bus pulled up a few songs later and I found a seat. I gazed out the window as we drove. When we got to school I went to the office.
"Hi. My name is Sean McLouglin, and it is my first day." I said to one of the lady's sitting behind the desk.
"Welcome!" She said. She grabbed a small paper and handed it to me.
"So this is you schedule, if you get lost or need help don't be afraid to ask." She said with a smile. I thanked her and read over my paper.

1st: Anatomy and Physiology with Howell in room 214
2nd: Pre calculus with Franta in room 316
3rd: AP psychology with hart in room 215
4th: Choir with Grassi in room 103
5th: English with turner 307
6th: History with Graceffa 214

I walked up the semi-busy stairs to the second floor. I made my way down the hall and walked to room 214. There was a few kids in class already, some talking or reading or listening to music. I walked up to the teacher, who was a skinny, tall man with brown hair and brown eyes.
"Can I help you?" He asked with an English tongue.
"I am your new student... My name is-" I said.
"Ah yes, Sean." He said with a smile.
"I prefer Jack, if that's alright..." I said.
"Of course." He said writing 'Jack' next to my name. "Well I am Mr. Howell. You can take a seat right there." He said, pointing to a seat on the edge of the second row by the window. I nodded and took my seat, grabbing out a book to read. I had just finished my chapter when I heard a bell ring. More students filed in, gradually filling the seats. A handsome blond took the seat next to me.
"Are you new?" He asked with a... Swedish accent.
"Yeah, me family and I moved here a few weeks ago." I said. He smiled.
"Your cute. I'm Felix." He said with a smile, offering me his hand to shake.
"Alright class, before we get started we have a new student today. Please welcome Jack." Howell said. "Jack, would you mind telling us a small bit about yourself?"
I stood up and made my way to the front.
"Well, my family and I moved here from Ireland a few weeks ago. Um... I am 16 years old and I am an only child." I said, clasping my hands in front of me.
"Thank you Jack." He said and motioned for me to take a seat.
I sat down and saw Felix smile at me. The class was over before I knew it.
"Want me to help you find your next class?" He offered.
"Sure. I have precal in 316." I said.
"Follow meeeeee!" He said pulling me down the hall by my arm. I laughed. I met Felix literally like an hour ago and he is acting like we have been best friends for years. Before I knew it it was time to eat lunch. I walked into the large common room. There were tables everywhere. Felix came up and grabbed my sides, making me squeal.
"Gotcha bitch!" He said, laughing. "Do you want to eat with me and my friends?" He asked pointing to a table with a few boys and a girl.
"Sure." I said, letting me lead to his table. I took a seat next to him.
"Okay, so this is Ken and his girlfriend Mary. This is Arron, this is wade and bob, this is Matthias. And this-" he said walking over to a smaller boy with brown hair "is my boyfriend Ryan." He said kissing the boy on the head. I smiled. Everyone said hello as he introduced me. We sat down and I started to eat. Suddenly Felix jumped up and walked away. I saw him heading towards a shorter (yet very attractive) boy.
"Hey queen!" The boy said, hugging Felix.
"Hey boo." Felix said. The walked over to the table and the boy took the seat next to me.
"Hi... I'm Mark." He said.
"Jack. I just moved here." I said.
Mark started eating, looking down at his food.
"You okay Mark?" Ken said.
He looked up and there was a light blush on his cheeks.
"I'm fine." He mumbled.
Everyone looked at him wearily.
"So Jack? What class do you have next?" Arron asked.
"I have choir." I said. I saw Mark smile.
"Nice! Mark has choir too." Ken said.
Mark nodded.
"Can you sing?" Mark asked.
I blushed a bit. "Kinda. What about you?"
He blushed as well. "I don't know, I guess I can..."
Felix pushed him playfully.
"Shut up! You are the best singer in the whole school!" He said. He looked at me.
"Mark can sing crazy base but he can also sing the female part. He also can play piano really well." Mark was bright red as everyone nodded at Felix's words.
I smiled to myself. Cute and talented.

Target acquired.

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