Part 17

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First of all I cannot thank you guys enough for your support with the last updated (and I am so sorry it wasn't a chapter). People have been criticizing me for a while now, telling me to kill myself and that I am going to go to hell but it makes me happy to know you all don't feel that way. I really am grateful for all of you, who have helped me in so many ways and I wish I could repay you all for that. Unfortunately I don't think I can... But I will try to find a way to show you all my gratitude. Thank you all again, and I am sorry this chapter isn't my best and it is very short but I wanted to give you guys something.


My legs burned as I ran, my brain a jumbled mess of thought and memories.
My vision was blurred as my tears blended with the rain that was falling even harder.
And yet I kept running. I don't know where I am or where I am going but I know I can't stop.
It seems like time has frozen.
I finally stopped when I started to see blackness dancing around the edges of my vision.
Looking around me I didn't recognize anything. I bit my lip and opened up Jacks umbrella, looking for some sort of cover in the storm that was raging.
As I think about it, it is very fitting.
I walked slowly, focusing on not collapsing as I looked for a place to stay.
I found an old building that had the doors boarded up. I looked around before going to the side of the building, finding two other boarded up doors.
I looked and found a gap in the boarding on one of the back doors. After confirming that the door was somewhat secluded I tore off one of the boards so the gap was big enough for me to slip through. So I did just that.
Dusting myself off I looked around the empty building.
It looks like an old caffe, with little tables and chairs. There was a counter in the front and a few benches and comfortable looking chairs.
I sighed, thankful for the comfortable place to stay for the evening, as I curled up on one of the chairs. Before I drifted to sleep I planted a small kiss on the umbrella.

'I miss you Jack...'

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