Part 18

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~ 5 Days Later ~

Felix (Finally!)

It was raining and I was sitting on the couch, snuggled up to Ryan. We are watching A Clockwork Orange, which is my favorite movie.
"Would you like some popcorn Feli?" Ryan asked, running his warm fingers through my hair in a soothing motion. It felt so nice and I relaxed against his hand.
I heard him chuckle and I smiled. His laugh is so adorable!
"Let's go make some popcorn." I said, his hand resting naturally in my own. He stood up and we walked into the kitchen together. He stood up on his tip toes and grabbed a bag of the buttery deliciousness and popped it into the microwave.
I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his adorable, little tummy. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, planting a light kiss in the crook of his neck. I felt him laugh lightly.
"You are to adorable Feli." He said, turning to face me and burying his face in my neck and hugging me tightly.
We stood in each other's warm embrace until we heard the beeping of the microwave. I hurried to grab it out and pour it into a bowl.
"Come on!" I said, pulling him back to the living room. I set the bowl on the table and Ryan pulled me into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and started messing with my hair. We are the same highest so I knew he couldn't see. I gently slid down so I was sitting on the couch between his legs. He pulled me against his chest and started messing with my hair again. I smiled and got comfortable, grabbing the popcorn bowl and popping a piece into my mouth.
My phone started ringing in my pocket and I stood up, giving Ryan a kiss and looking at him apologetically before walking into the kitchen.
"Hello?" I asked, holding the phone up to my ear.
"Felix!? Mark is missing! I... I don't know where he is! He could be anywhere! He could be hurt... Or he could be sick! Or he could be dead! He is gone! It's all my fault!" The small Irish man sounded extremely panicked and was speaking frantically.
"Jack, calm down... I can barely understand you. Have you checked his house?" I asked, sitting at the kitchen bar stool.
"Of course I checked his house!!! I have checked his house every day for the past 3 days!" He all but yelled.
"Jack! Deep breaths... It is late but Ryan and I will help you look in the morning okay?" I said, clutching the phone hard.
I heard Jack sob and mutter "okay" before hanging up. I set my phone down and leaned my head on the counter. My mind was swimming with thoughts, laced with doubt and fear. I have seen some horrible things happen to Mark... He has been through so much, I truly hope he is alright.
I was suddenly enveloped by Ryan's warm arms. I spun on the stool and buried my face in his chest, my tears dampening his green shirt.
He stroked my hair and whispered in my ear.

"It's alright Feli... I am here... I promise we will get through this and everything will work out... I love you so much..."

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