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o n e ; threatening action

Kitana stood up from the grass, her fans disappearing from thin air as she slowly trudged off of the lawn she was on. Her head turned as she walked down the sidewalk, looking at the houses and cars that she passed by.

One man walked out of his house, and did a double-take as he saw Kitana walking down the sidewalk as she looked around. He scrunched his eyebrows, tilting his head when he saw her attire. It was definitely not normal to be walking around a neighborhood with most of her skin exposed. That, and it didn't look much comfortable to be in. "It isn't Halloween, young lady," he spoke out loud in somewhat amusement of the situation, but thinking it was also weird why a girl would be in that outfit.

Kitana stopped walking, and turned her head to the left to look at the older man - of course he wasn't older than her; in human years he was older, though. Her eyes squinted at the human challengingly, raising an eyebrow in question if he dared to say another word. She could easily throw either her knife or her steel fans at him, but she wouldn't.

The adult broke the eye contact, looking away uncomfortably when her glare was like knives being aimed at him. (Oh, the irony when she actually had the thought of considering the action.) He turned his back to her as he quickly walked back inside his home.

Kitana chuckled under her breath, looking back forward when she continued her walk before she had been rudely interrupted. The warrior princess continued walking, still looking at her surrounding. She was oblivious to the fact that there were two teenagers walking on the sidewalk in the direction toward her.

The two teen boys slowed their steps to a stop when they noticed the girl with the odd attire looking around at the neighborhood as she strolled about. They both looked at each other before looking back at the girl in blue when she halted once she noticed they were several feet in front of her.

Kitana stayed still, wary but not worried that she would back down from any fight that these two teenage boys might come at her with. They definitely wouldn't win though, that's for sure.

"Benny," the slightly shorter mumbled under his breath to his friend. "What should we do?"

None of the three moved a muscle as they practically had a staring contest with each other. Kitana didn't blink as much as she normally would, trying to keep her eyes open in case for anything that could possibly happen within a split second.

The taller one - Benny - grazed his teeth over his bottom lip before he started chanting incoherent words under his breath with his hand stretched outward toward Kitana. She noticed the glow coming from his hand, taking it as a threatening action and jumping up into the air.

The power of the spell Benny started came out, aiming straight down the sidewalk as it aimed at nowhere specifically now that Kitana had gotten out of the way. "Um, Ethan?" Benny asked fearfully as they turned around to look for where the girl had gone.

Kitana had flipped over the two, landing on the other side of them. They turned around, taking a step back as she literally pulled fans out of thin air. The two took in a deep breath when they noticed there were knives in the blue fans.

"Whoa!" Ethan and Benny exclaimed, putting their hands up in front of them warily as they tried showing that there wasn't any need for weapons of any sort. Even if there were fans involved, but there were knives in those -- good lord, is this chick crazy?

Kitana ♛ Ethan MorganWhere stories live. Discover now